The lemon is near....

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You could see barely anything. Clouds of dust caused your eyes to squint shut. You had lived. You had survived this incredible, apocalyptic jutsu. Relief flooded you, however, a stab of guilt immediately went through you. You thought about each life that was lost- each person you know in this area- and they could've been crushed to death by just a small fragment of the meteor. Grief and sorrow caused you to feel absolutely empty inside, and you lowered your head and cried- cried for every soul that was lost, and you cried just because of this incredible event. What if nobody found you...? What if you were stuck here all alone with a broken rib cage, a broken knee, and who knows what else? You were hurting all over, your head aching while your body trembled uncontrollably. But sure enough, someone did find you. And you knew it wasn't good, for his chakra was easy to notice.
You turned around quickly- wincing as pain tore through you from this sudden movement. You knew exactly who it was. It was the legendary Uchiha himself- the Madara Uchiha. You felt astonished at first to see him standing directly in front of you- but you immediately remembered what he had done. All your admiration for him vanished, and this admiration turned into a bitter hatred.
"D-Do you r-realize.... Wh-what y-you've just d-done....? You- you j-just.... Wiped o-out an e-entire a-army of i-innocent n-ninja!" You say in a bitter yet weak tone- your mouth dry as your tears stopped swelling in your eyes. The Uchiha raised his head- his eyes narrowing slightly. Meanwhile, you had noticed he no longer had the mengekyo sharingan, but now the rinnegan.
He says in a calm yet dark tone, "I am well aware of what I had just done.... Which was reaching a step closer towards eternal peace.... Those pitiful ninja were so weak it was pathetic.... Which includes a ninja such as yourself. How could they even live with themselves when they had absolutely no power at all...? I could've bursted out laughing while their own blades sliced through their own throats."
"You bastard.... You'll never reach your goal. We'll stop you before th-that...." You growled- gasping for air as soon after those words were said. You seemed way more exhausted than usual, which you knew was mostly because of your injuries.
Madara frowned, then sighed, "Your courage is laudable.... But that's all you have going for you...." ((Madara quote😘))
You then shut your eyes- assuming that after this sentence it would be all over for you- but then, you could hear Madara's dark voice once again- but this time his tone was much smoother as if he were speaking to a sleeping kitten.
"It would be such a shame to leave a helpless, vulnerable lass like you to waste... Especially when you need to be disciplined for your pathetic yet daring behavior...."

Madara Uchiha X reader ((WARNING- LEMON- MATURE CONTENT))Where stories live. Discover now