5. Teenage Love Is...

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It's waking up in the morning and going to school just so you can see their face

It's staying up until 11:11 just so you can wish for them even though you know it's all fake
It's stealing their notebook in class just so they have to put their arms around you to get it
It's purposely not taking your jacket to school on a cold day just so they'll give you theirs
It's when you hear a happy love song on the radio and think about them
It's changing your routes between classes just so you can catch a glimpse of them
It's that time you spent hours trying to find any kind of flaw but you found none
It's all the butterflies you get when you hear their sweet voice
The way your skin burns when they touch you so softly
It's how long you can keep talking about them to your bestfriend
It's the way you get lost in their eyes discovering a whole new and beautiful world
It's all the nights you spend laying on your bed making up perfect scenarios in your head
It's the late night conversations where you get to know each other
It's how you can't stop thinking about them for one second
It's the feeling you get when you look at each other across the room for a few seconds then look away and smile
just their smile
That smile that lights up your day

Teenage love is
enjoying the little things
that create big memories

Remembering every special moment
every look
every smile
every laugh
every touch
every hug
every kiss

all the goofy conversations



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