18: Just Between the Two of Us

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*A/N: Finally, I finished an update! My story's almost a thousand reads ~ I thank you everyone :D Endless thanks.


The pair decided to pass by a cafe before going to the Allure Fashion's main building for the internship.
They take out some espresso and bread for breakfast then ate them while they were in the cab on the way.

In the office, their friend William joins a fellow early bird, the male assistant editor, in making a coffee.

Kale and Prince soon arrives in the office with their half empty cup of espresso as they finished their bread first in the taxi.

"Oh hello, it's nice to see you come in together," William greets them with a grin. This is some progress they are looking forward to. Since they started the project, he'd seen them go along well. Nope. Even before that. The first time the transferee was introduced into their business school, Prince and Kale became instant best of buds.

"Ah this.." Prince takes a glance at Kale who was standing beside him, "..it's his fault." He adds a smirk.

"My fault??" Kale answered defensively, pointing a finger to his chest. "Says the innocent looking man with baby blue eyes who is the actual binge drinker," he continues, giving back the blame to the other with a grin.

William now turns to the younger man, knowing who really was the hooch hound in between the two of them. They had a drinking session. Just the two of them. If Rachelle was here, she'd consider that bout as their first date and she'd be overjoyed. William, too, is happy for both. What else are friends for?
Not to make things obvious, he fakes a frown.
"Not fair. You guys should've called us."

Prince elbows Kale for spilling out the beans. It is not in his plans to tell everybody in their workplace that he is a boozer. The assistant editor who was with William awhile ago have his cubicle just next to them and the entire office is started to be filled by incoming co-workers. Not that he assumes that everybody else is a gossipmonger, Prince simply is being careful as much as he can especially that they will be evaluated soon after a week of training.
"I just helped him after...he walked out like a drama queen, remember?"

"Oh yeah...what's the problem there?" William inquires, changing his look towards Kale and shows him some concern. He remembered yesterday when they met up with their other friends. When Rachelle showed them the picture of the famous model, he recalled seeing Kale walking away, being moody.
"I wanted to text you, Prince but Rachelle said no need.

"Lovely. Now William remembered that. You're really such a dear friend, Prince."
Steelsmith empties his cup of espresso before speaking up. He may have opened up to Prince Charles, however, he still have second thoughts over publicizing his saddest part of his life to everyone else. Baby steps. One at a time.
"Nothing really." He says deadpan, looking at Prince by his side. He gave him a passive look, showing a little of his gritted teeth. Like a shark ready to bite his prey at any time. By that, Prince already understood what he meant - "Don't you dare spread my personal problem to everyone. That's just between you..me...and Zax."

Mutual understanding. Unlike before, Prince begins to read Kale's actions and words by merely eyeing each other. For Prince, it is easier to fall in love with a woman than to develop feelings for the same gender. It may seem impossible at first but as they delve in their friendship deeper, Prince finds some hope for this relationship to bloom.
"And the kiss...?"

There is always hope for Prince Charles Edevane. That's why he is so called Mr. Optimistic.

"Yeah..." Prince finally sits down to one of the swivel chairs in their cubicle. "Don't mind it, Wil," he says slumping down his shoulders.
He didn't prefer the idea of forcing a friend or anyone else in opening up that easily. It's not like everybody is a ready-to-open canned goods, he thinks.

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