As I began to look around, I saw a small opening to the right of me. All righty then, I thought. I guess I'll have to squeeze through there. As I began to climb the sink counter, they started banging harder on the door. I quickened my climbing pace and began to slide through the gap. It was a tight area for me, but I began to figure it out.
When I was half way in, I heard talking from another door in the room I was trying to get into. I couldn't hear them, but I knew I would probablely get killed before I could explain. I looked up in time to see the door slide open and two men walk in. I froze for a second when their eyes fluttered toward me as I tried to slide back into the bathroom, but I was stuck.
"Oh shit..." I muttered under my breath as they rushed for a gun. I struggled even harder to slide back, but I wasn't budging.
A guy with a beard and white coat grabbed the first gun, pointing it toward me. It was Dr. Vidic. He cocked the trigger and I closed my eyes, waiting for the bullet to pierce my skin and kill me.
Then, I heard the bathroom door open and someone rushed in.
Suddenly, my left shoulder began stinging and throbbing, making me cry in pain. It hurt so badly and I couldn't imagine what had happened, but before I had time to, I got tugged suddenly, and then pulled out of my gap I was stuck in, while I squeezed my eyes shut. My shoulder was hurting even worse than before when I hit the floor, and the thud of my head was the last thing I wanted to hear.
I must have screamed in pain at that point, because someone was covering my mouth. I held my eyes shut, feeling faint and lightheaded. Then the person let go of my mouth and seemed as though he stood up. I then realized that I couldn't hear anything but ringing in my head and ears. I rolled onto my right side unknowingly and clutched my left shoulder in an attempt to stop it from throbbing.
Then, someone put their foot on my left arm and turned me back onto my back. They had put too much pressure on my arm, and pain shot up and down it. By now, I had begun to get some of my hearing back, and the scream that had come from my mouth had surprised me a little. Once again, someone put a hand on my mouth, uttering "Be quiet! They'll find us if you don't calm down." It was muffled by my bad hearing, but I had made out the words enough to tell what he was saying.
I opened my eyes just enough to see who was talking to me. It was Altair crouching just above me, staring straight in my eyes. God, I don't want to die yet, I thought. I didn't like having a killer stand over my defenseless body. It was unnerving.
Without warning, he pulled up the left sleeve of my sweat-shirt to my shoulder. My first reaction to someone is a slap to the face when they do something that isn't a normal thing to do. He reared back and fell on his butt, saying "What the hell! What was that for?!" He got up, and just as I closed my half-open eyes while pulling my sleeve down, he said something else. "Altair, do you mind holding her down for me? She probablely can't hear anything since she won't respond to me, and doesn't know I'm trying to help her."
Wait, Altair can't talk to Altair, which means Desmond was standing over me... Cold hands gripped my wrists and pulled them down to my hips, while half a leg went over my knees. I didn't struggle against the person, because I had opened my eyes again to see Altair on my right, holding me down. He was looking at my left side, which was where my shoulder was. I then looked to my left, seeing Desmond looking at it too.
"Oh my god!" I shouted as Desmond pulled something out of my shoulder, sending huge waves of pain up and down my arm. I tried to pull away, but Altair had a firm grip on me and held me tight to the floor.
Desmond muttered "Oh, shit!" just before my shoulder felt damp all over. My head hit the floor, and that was the most amount of pain my body could take, before I fell from consciousness.
I awoke on a soft surface, feeling the pain I had experienced before I had fallen into darkness. I sat up and looked around the room. I was on Desmond's bed, tired as could be, in his room and half conscious of the other things around me.
As I began to wake up more, I saw Altair in a chair to the right of me, staring at me... I shivered and took my gaze from his to study the feeling in my body. My left shoulder was wrapped in clothes that I had no idea where they had come from. It throbbed more and more as I became more and more aware of it. Not wanting to kill myself with the pain of it, I looked around at more of the things. Ezio and Desmond were not here, which meant I was stuck with Altair.
All of a sudden, I could hear people talking outside the door. One voice sounded like Desmond's, and the other wasn't as recognizable. I had no intentions of eves-dropping on them in the state I was in, so I lay my head down in an attempt to get some rest, but I couldn't shake the feeling someone was watching me with curious eyes.
I opened my eyes and turned my head toward the place where Altair sat, and was surprised to find him walking around the end of the bed. How does he move with complete silence, I thought. I then noticed that he was staring at me from under his hood, not taking his eyes off me. I shuddered with uncomfort, not liking the way he stared at me like I was the center of attention. I shifted my gaze down to my feet, studying my blue and white shoes.
By now, he was on my left side. For a minute, he stood there, continuing to stare at me. I lifted my eyes to look at his, but they were impossible to comprehend, and I wish I hadn't woken up at this time. Neither of us said anything, and it felt disturbing to sit in silence and wait for something to happen.
Then, unexpectedly, he moved his left hand toward my shoulder. As he touched me, I tensed for pain, but none of it came upon me. I visiblely relaxed my muscles and watched as he felt around the wound. I put my head back and closed my eyes, surprised at the tenderness he applied for the wound. I drifted off with the silence, only to be rudely awakened by a thrust to the head. My eyes flung open to see him looking at me blank and empty-like.
"You'll be fine for a while, just as long as you keep it still. You bled a lot, and you must rest." Altair said.
"Wait, what? Slow down, I can't understand properly here. What happened to me?"
"You had been hit by a bullet, as Desmond calls it."
I had no more questions to ask him because I was beginning to feel tired and exhausted. Altair walked back to his seat and sat down. I closed my eyes again in an attempt to pass-out in sleep.
Then, the door slid open, making me leap out of my skin and jolt me from relaxation.
Altair shot from his seat. "Don't move your shoulder!" he said abruptly and sternly. "I just got through telling you that."
"Sorry..." I muttered, clearly not paying attention. What did have my attention was Desmond leaning on Ezio, slowly making his way past the now shut door. I watched with wide-eyes as Ezio set him down at the end of his bed. Desmond let out a huff, showing the fact that he was hurt.
"What happened?" Altair said, demanding an answer.
Desmond noticablely took in a painful breath before answering. "Ezio and I were talking about the traveling equipment we'd need, when suddenly, the Abstergo guards came outa' nowhere and attacked us. One managed to shoot me in my side. Now they're outside the door, waiting for us to come out..." With the last words of his sentence, his body collapsed sideways-like onto my feet. It kinda hurt, but I was sure it hurt him more than me.
Ezio grabbed Desmond and pulled him to the other side of the bed and laid him down next to me, then walked over to Altair. He looked like he had a cold sweat, and he quivered every once in a while. He was still bleeding and seemed to grit his teeth every few seconds.
Taking off his hood, Ezio walked back over to him and took bandages from a pouch on his belt. He pulled Desmond's sweat-shirt and T-shirt up half way, and then began to look at his wound.
As Ezio got a 'oh, here we go' look on his face, he motioned for Altair to come over, and then took two throwing knives out as Altair grabbed hold of Desmond's shoulders. Oh my God, I thought, is he going to dig in his side?! Catching my sudden startled look, Ezio said "Don't worry, I've done this before."
Not convinced, I slid to the edge of the bed incase blood poured out. As Ezio lodged his throwing knives in the wound, Desmond gritted his teeth and squeezed his fist tight enough that it looked like the skin would split. Then, all together, Ezio yanked the bullet out as Desmond yelled "Jesus Christ!" I had thought he had passed out, so it startled me enough to fall off the bed and land on my left shoulder, making me shout, causing Altair to jump over the bed and pick me up to lay me on the bed. As he did, pain shot through my arm. Gritting my teeth, I tried to suppress the pain.
"Great," said Altair, "Now I'll have to put your shoulder back in place!"
Before I new it, he had his hands on it and was already putting it back. It popped back in place, and it hurt so badly. I screamed in pain and tried to put my hand on it, but I had no idea that Altair's hand was still there. The second I had clutched it, my heart jumped as my hand touched the hidden blade. I flinched back away from him and tried to look under his hood. He looked irritated at that, and he frowned a little. Trying to relax, I wiggled back to the spot I was once in. He placed his hands on my shoulder, and then took out bandages from his pack.
"You're bleeding again." Altair said. "I must wrap it." Without another word said, he pulled up my sweat-shirt and shirt sleeves and began to unravel the old bandages. With that done, he then wrapped up my shoulder in the new bandages, being careful enough to not make it too tight.
I laid down my head and closed my eyes once he was done, and fell into darkness.