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I hope you guys like this chapter, it's going to be very exciting, and maybe a little sad.
But hey, I'm back from camp for the rest of the summer!!!! Yay!!! Love y'all!

The Cybermen, the things I fear most.

They were in a room talking about something-probably taking over the world-and they were pointing at something on the other side of the room. I couldn't see it or hear what they were saying so I decided to go in the room and hide closer to them.

I slowly closed the door so it wouldn't make any noise and I hid behind some machine looking thing.

"Now that we have the Doctor no one can stop us." I heard one of the Cybermen say in a robotic voice.
I could hear the Doctor struggling trying to escape. I was surprised that he wasn't trying to talk his way out of it or trying to figure out what the plan was.

I looked around the room trying to find the Doctor but I couldn't see him from where I was.

Then all the Cybermen left the room leaving the Doctor and me alone. Bad idea, Cybermen.

I left my hiding spot and saw the Doctor tied up with a gag in his mouth.
He saw me and smiled as I went over to him. I took the gag out of his mouth so he could talk to me while I undid the rope that was tying him.

"I knew you'd come!" He said smiling big, I started giggling at him.
I got all the rope untied and he stood up.

"What are they going to do, Doctor?"
"I don't know yet, I couldn't talk to them at all about it." He said frowning.

We walked out of the room and went looking for the Cybermen.


We had been looking for about half an hour without any luck, no one had seen them and we couldn't hear or see any signs of them being there at all.

We walked out of the hospital and looked around the neighborhood, and low and behold, there was a big spaceship behind the hospital.

I didn't see it until the Doctor pointed it out.
"Perception filter." He told me, sensing my confusion.
We walked up to the door and the Doctor soniced it before we walked in.

"Where are they?" I asked seeing the empty room.
"I don't know, different room maybe?" He answered.

We walked through some doors and hallways before coming upon a room full of Cybermen. We walked in and they all turned towards us.

"How did you escape?" One asked with it's weird robotic voice.
"Weelll, you left me alone, but my friend Isabella here rescued me. Bad idea to leave me alone." He smiled.

A few of them looked at each other and started walking towards us, but the Doctor didn't seem to mind, we just stood there.
"What are they going to do, Doctor?" I whispered to him.
"I'm not sure yet." He whispered back.

They kept walking towards us, getting closer and closer by the second.

"You will be deleted." One said sticking it's hand out towards me.
"Doctor? What do I do?" I yelled worriedly walking backwards.
I ran into a wall behind me and was trapped.

"Izzy!" The Doctor yelled pushing me to the ground. I hit my head on some metal thing on the floor and everything went all blurry.

I could make out the shapes of the Doctor being zapped by the Cyberman's hand and then him falling to the ground.

"Doctor!" I yelled as my head collapsed to the ground and my vision went black.


I woke up with a massive headache, I sat up on my elbows and looked around.
I was in a jail like cell with cement walls, ceiling, and floor. There were bars for the door and I saw two Cybermen outside my cellar.

I looked beside me and saw the Doctor, motionless on the ground.

I ran to him and checked for a pulse, it was there, but only one heart was going.

"Doctor?" I whispered in his ear, nothing.
I shook him harder and harder but he just laid there, motionless and unconscious.

He started glowing this weird
yellowy-orange color, it looked kind of like he was on fire.
I shook him more and more, scared that was how Time Lords died or something.

The light got stronger and brighter by the second, and I was crying more and more. I was terrified and unsure what to do. My head was still throbbing and I was shaking from crying.

I held his hand as the fire like light got brighter.
It was weird, as the light came out of him, it looked as though his face changed, like it was now a different person.

I cried harder and harder while his face changed and the light died down.
It was completely gone now, but I was still crying uncontrollably.

He opened his eyes, but I didn't notice, I was too busy trying to calm myself down, which was not going too well.

"Izzy?" I heard a voice say. It was an interesting voice, it was calm, soft, and kind. But I didn't recognize it at all.

I opened my eyes to find a man sitting where the Doctor had just been laying.
"It's me, the Doctor." He said, though I knew that couldn't be the Doctor, the doctor looked nothing like that.
He was wearing the same clothes, though they were a little tight on this man.

"You're not the Doctor." I answered confused.
"Isabella, I just regenerated. You see, I was about to die so my body changed every single particle in my body. That's how Timelords stay alive, they regenerate." He held my hand and looked into my eyes, but I still didn't fully believe him.

"Please, Isabella, believe me. Please." He said, I nodded slightly, but I still wasn't sure. He smiled big and jumped up from the ground.
I just sat there staring at the floor.


Aww, so sad. Anyway, hope you like the chapter and I will update soon ish!
Love y'all!

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