The Argument and eye info

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Dipper opened the door to see it was completely dark in the mansion. Dipper couldn't see a thing besides a dim blue light coming from a door. Dipper walked over towards it and opened the door. Inside he saw a electric blue room with brick print walls. The carpet was extremely fluffy and was a dark blue.  This was Tad's room.

He looked around to see Tad on his laptop, sitting on his bed

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He looked around to see Tad on his laptop, sitting on his bed. Tad looked up to meet Dipper's eyes. "Umm...what are you doing in my room?" Tad asked. "I couldn't see anything and I saw some light coming out of a room, here I am" Dipper said truthfully. Tad then patted the bed on his left and went back onto his computer. Dipper sat next to him, feeling uneasy. They didn't talk for a while until Dipper set his head on Tad's shoulder. Tad looked over to Dipper as a pink blush dusted his cheeks. "Hey Dipper, I need to tell you something about your eye" Tad said. Dipper sat up. "Your eye connects you to Bill, if Bill had turned you into a dream demon, you could not talk to humans for 618 years, trapping you here" Tad explained. Dipper got up and walked out of Tad's room. How could Bill be so selfish, Dipper thought as he found Bill's room. He opened the door to see Bill sitting on his bed. As soon as Bill saw dipper he jumped up and hugged him. Once Bill was off him, Dipper slapped him so hard that a red mark appeared. Bill was in shock. "W-What was that for?!" Bill yelled at Dipper. "You tried to keep me here, while my sister was alone, my family dead worried, and you pretending like its nothing!" Dipper yelled back. Bill looked at Dipper with a death glare "Tad told you, didn't he?!" Bill said furiously. "Don't blame it on Tad, he asked me but I could have said no-" "Then why didn't you say no?!" "Because I wanted to know and you never told me!" Dipper shouted furiously. He then walked towards the door, opened it, and slammed it shut.

Be mine Dipper ( Bill x Dipper)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя