{Heaven pov}
A long day of school and going to a photo shoot I finally tell my agency I'm pregnant and so when I start showing I'll start doing pregnancy performance until I have the baby... I leave work and pick up baby Ricco and Ricco calls me giving me this house address and so I drive there and the house is beautiful. Couple weeks back I seen him looking for houses but he needs to understand there's too much going on at the moment and we just need to wait especially if he wants to look at this house which looks very expensive!
Santo: wooooah this is big
Me:*smiles*I know
Santo:where's pops
Me:*pulls up infront of the house* I'm guessing inside
Santo: *looks around*here he comes
Me:*gets out letting santo out closing and locking the car doors*
Ricco:*grabs her car keys*hey baby
Me: Ricco....what is this
Ricco: lemme show you
Me: I'm tired and I'm ready to go home
Ricco: fine *gives her the mansion house keys*
Me:*rolls her eyes walking back to the car*
Santo: where's mommy going
Ricco: nowhereAll thoughts run into my head at this moment..... Something didn't seem right with my keys so I look and there were keys...but not my car keys it couldn't be the house keys because they're on my car key chain. I take a moment to think to myself
Me:*turns around smiling* Ricco stop playing
Me:*walks back to him*this? This is ours?
Ricco: yes
Santo: yay!!
Ricco:*laughs grabbing her face kissing her lips*
Me:*kissing back* but how
Ricco: I'd do anything for my babies.... And you kno that*hit her butt*
Santo: daddy!
Me: right...daddy!
Ricco: you'll be calling me that later on tonight
Me:*gets closer grabbing his friend* don't bet on it
Ricco: whatever(After showing them the house)
Ricco:*looks at her* you like it ma
Me:*huffs in excitement*of course what's not to like
Ricco:*laughs* just making sure
Me: where's Santo
Ricco: lost in the game room
Me: mhm figures
Ricco:*smiles grabbing her waist kissing her lips rubbing her booty*
Me:*kissing back wrapping her arms around his neck*
Ricco:*adding tongue*
Me:baby stop
Ricco:*whispers in her ear*come in the room with me then
Me: no I'm tired!
Me:*looks at him*
Ricco:*kisses her lips*
Me:*kisses back* well I'm going to the house to shower and sleep
Ricco: stay here tonight
Me: either way I have no clothes here
Ricco: maybe I did alittle shopping for my baby
Me:*laughs* Ricco I'm going home
Ricco: we are home!
Me: Ricco
Ricco: Heaven
Me: bye
Ricco: what if I brought all your clothes here
Me:*rolls her eyes* Santo!
Ricco: stooooop
Santo:*runs in the room with them*yes
Me: you staying with your dad or what?
Santo: you leaving?
Me: yes I'm tired
Me:*laughs*that's that I'm staying look
Santo: wait
Santo: why you have to leave mom please stay
Me:*looks at Ricco then Santo*I guess
Santo:yay!*runs back*
Me: wait Santo what do you want to eat
Santo: lasagna
Me: mommy's not cooking
Santo: pleeeeeeease
Me: alright alright
Santo:*runs upstairs*
Ricco:*kisses her neck*
Me: stop*puts her keys in her purse going upstairs*
Me:*sits down on the bed taking her shoes off putting her hair in a messy bun*
Ricco:*taking off his clothes leaving on his boxers*
Me: I be back
Ricco: where you going ma!! Stop tryna fucking leave me
Me: I'm boutta run home to go grab my charger and some clothes!
Ricco: I got a extra one.. I also brought my baby some clothes yeen gotta worry about that but tonight imma need you to sleep in one of daddy shirts
Me: my pills are at the house
Ricco: daddy got this... I put them on the night stand
Me:*laughs kissing his lips*
Ricco:*smiles kissing back*
Me: imma shower
Ricco: need help
Me: no!
Ricco:*laughs*fine imma go in the game room with Santo
Me: k
Me:*looks in the drawers then grabs one of Ricco's white tees going in their bathroom taking a shower *As I shower I grow a feeling of excitement. This new house is really rubbing positive vibes on me. Isolated where baby Ricco can be safe where no one knows where we are. I realize I'm in the shower 45 minutes alittle over a hour so I get out, dry off and lotion up making my way to the game room to check on the boys.
Me:*wraps her arms around Ricco hugging him from behind* Santo wants lasagna but do you have any or do I need to run to the store
Ricco: baby stop trying to leave I'm pretty sure we got some*into the game*
Me: you sure
Ricco:*gets up*santo you can continue I be back
Me:*looks at him as he get up*
Ricco:*pulls her to the side*why you tryna leave so bad?
Me: I don't know.... I just don't trust us being all the way over here and most my stuff is at the house
Ricco:*huffs*alright I'll call my pops I'll tell him where the spare key is tell me everything you want him to get all I'll meet him somewhere near by to grab it I don't want nobody knowing where we live
Me: ok
Ricco: now you just go be beautiful stop putting stress on the baby and go start dinner, imma come in there to help in a few if you know what I mean*bites his lip*
Me:*rolls her eyes walkin off*whatever
Ricco:*hits her butt*sexy ass
Me:*starts making dinner and gets a call from Rachel* yes ma'am
Rach: what's up babes
Me: nothing really just cooking dinner
Rach: what we eating
Me: baby Ricco wants lasagna so yea
Rach: you home?
Me: yes
Ricco: who's that?
Me: Rachel
Ricco: mm
Me:*looks at him then looks away
Rachel: that's daddy?
Me: yes
Rachel: maybe I should come over to eat with y'all I'm bored
Me: hold on*mutes the phone* Rachel is thinking about coming over?
Ricco:*Huffs*.... If she's alone then whatever just tell her don't speak of our address...gimme the phone
Me:*hands him the phone*
Ricco:*takes phone off mute*hello
Rachel: yes?
Ricco:*explains everything*
Rachel: oh my
Ricco: yes so I'll let Heaven pick you up from the apartment you leave your car there and yall both come back together and Never! Tell anybody we moved or where we stay not even the other girls
Rachel: got it
Ricco:*hands her back her phone*
Me:*making rice crispy treats*hello
Rachel: on my way
Me: ok
Rachel:*hangs up*
Me:*puts the treats in the refrigerator to cool* I be back
Ricco: pants
Me: maybe shorts
Ricco: no
Me:*grabs her keys* I be back
Ricco: bet
Me:*kisses his lips*
Ricco: *kissing back*
Me: I be back
Ricco: mhm be safe
Me: ok*leaves*I get to the apartment going inside grabbing all of my valuables, my hair care, jewelry, make up and everything I would need and a 3 duffle bags of my clothes and shoes. A car pulls in the drive way and so I quickly lock all the doors putting my things beside the front door turning off the lights. I manage to look out side and the car was gone but then another car pulled up with their high beam headlights on. 5 minutes later the body figure looks in my car and make their way to the door. I don't answer then my phone rings....
Mmm who could that be guys??💕 find out in the next part. Vote, comment, tell a friend!!!!

Be My Forever
RomanceIn this story, high school sweet hearts are still together their sophomore year in college ever since freshman year in high school. The two are sprung over each other. The goals, dreams, the planning and career setting will that all get in the way i...