me: am I rick Riordan yet?
friend: *looks up from book* not yet
me: *frowns* fine
Leo Valdez came out of the Hephaestus cabin. Immediately my body froze up and I started to stutter. "Aw! You like him!" Alexis sang. "Shut up! I do not like Leo Valdez!" "Wow Sam, and I thought we were friends." Leo said sneaking up behind me. "Ah! Leo! What're you talking about?" "You literally just said you don't like me." "I meant like like you." I stated and continued walking. I turned around and saw an expression of hurt flash across his face, but he quickly masked it with a bright eyed smile. "We'll thank the gods! I just think of you as a sister Sam" he slung his left arm around my shoulder. I felt a little surge of energy, or was it happiness? surge through my shoulder where he had slung his arm.
"Oh Sam! That reminds me; could you possibly come to bunker nine in a few hours?" He asked smiling. "Oh! What would we be doing?" I was thinking you could help me with a prototype I've been working on." "Sounds great, but I have to..." I trailed off not knowing what to say. I couldn't be alone in a room with Leo Valdez! I would freeze up! I would start to stutter! "You have to..." He said "nothing! She is absolutely one hundred percent free this afternoon." Alexis butted in. I had forgotten she was here. "So I'll come by the Athena cabin at around three. See ya then." And he walked over to the Hephaestus table. I raised an eyebrow at her and she shrugged and walked past me to sit with her siblings. I rolled my eyes and went to sit with a few of the Athena kids who had gathered for lunch.
There weren't many of us. Just myself, Malcolm, Ashley, and Clark. Annabeth was evidentially still at target practice.
I dumped some of my french fries in the fire as a sacrifice to my mother, silently saying a prayer, and hoping that David was still alive. I inhaled my burger and fries. When I got up from my table, Alex was still eating her pasta. I sat down and started to drink her sweet tea. A few Aphrodite kids looked dreamily at my hair, creepy!
All of a sudden I heard hooves clattering against the ground. I turned just in time to catch my friend Blade from tumbling over. "Hey Blade, so how's new Rome?" Blade has been working on helping the fawns at new Rome, sending them off to help find demigods for Lupa. "It's been great! Except for terminus, I swear that statue can be so annoying sometimes!" I laughed and said: "so what brings you back?" "I couldn't stay away from my best friend!" "Aw! Blade! I missed you too! But seriously, what are you doing here?" "I need to talk to Chiron, we've had..." "You've had what?" I asked. "Well, you know how Venus' children don't usually make it to camp?" I nodded. "Well, there is a new demigod in the camp. she looks just like one of the Aphrodite children here." "Maybe the fawns are sending Greek demigods to Lupa?" I asked "That's what we suspect." "What's her name?" "Krystal. And believe me when I say it, she has to be Greek Sam." "So I might have another sister?" Alexis asked. "Yes Alex, you probably do." She squealed in delight. I smiled and sat back down at the Aphrodite table. "So has there been anything else new at camp Jupiter?" I asked referring to Jason.
Jason was a cool guy, and Skylar had a crush on him for the longest time (until she met Trevor). But him and Piper had had a falling out about two weeks ago. Jason had gone back to new Rome for about a month's stay. The Aphrodite cabin was sad for Piper, but not Drew, she was still mean as ever. I really didn't like Piper, I feel like she's a damsel in distress. Like Jason has to rescue her. In my opinion, him and Reyna should be together. But that's just one of my many fantasies (go Jayna!). I was here at the Aphrodite table, I couldn't be thinking about that!
"You know Blade, I think I saw Chiron at the archery range teaching the first years, I'll walk you over there." I stood and dragged him by his horns out of the dining pavilion.
"So how's Jason?" I asked once we were out of earshot of the love goddess' children. "Eh, he's fine. Its Piper that I'm worried about. He and Reyna are becoming closer and closer each day now. I wouldn't be surprised if they started dating before the end of summer." I did a little happy dance inside my head.
"And how are Frank and Hazel?" I asked referring to Frank's new position as preator. "They're fine and happy now that the war is over." he answered."so what's been happening over on the Greek side? any new boyfriend that I need to talk to?" I rolled my eyes and continued to walk to the archery range. "No, not yet." "I'm getting a mix if emotions from you. your happy, excited, afraid, curios, and planning something. what's going on Sam?" "Leo Valdez." I said.
According to Blade, I had said his name in a way that made it obvious that I liked him, but I'm pretty sure it was just my average voice.
By this time, we had reached the archery range, and a few of the Hecate campers were shooting arrows at Chiron.
"Remind you of anyone?" Annabeth came up next to me. "shut up." I grumbled and shoved her with my shoulder.
It was true. I could not fire an arrow to save my life. Imagine that, a daughter of Athena who can't even hit the target. But I had been quite successful in getting the naiad's angry. I had shot my fair share into the lake.
I preferred to fight head on, with my knife. It was a weapon of power, and strategies. so basically I couldn't hold a spear or a sword.
"see ya later Sam." Blade said before running off to Chiron. he nearly got hit by an arrow that would've been a perfect bullseye. I still had to meet Alexis, she wanted to do my hair.
I said a quick fair well to Annabeth, and ran to the Aphrodite cabin.
I barged through the door, and there was Piper. She was making out with Trevor.
First author note!!!
so what do u guys think???
give me feedback!!!
If you haven't already figured it out, I am updating every (whatever day today is for you because of the different timezones).
see ya my stalkers!!

my demigod life
FanfictionSam Collins. a super geek with a story. Daughter of Athena, been at camp half blood since she was 10. fights with a knife, is a ruthless battle planner. Knows when things are going her way. one more detail, she has this huge and insane crush on the...