the businessman and the secretary

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Smut; 3870 words



A large elevator opened and a group of men walked out, conversing with one another and checking their phones. One man stood out as he walked out last, dressed in a perfectly tailored, expensive-looking grey suit. The man had a sturdy frame, and varied over the rest of the men quite easily. However, despite his size and muscular build, he moved with an easy grace, and his brown-hazel eyes spoke of sharp intelligence that was beyond his years.

A much shorter, older man came forward, hand extended. "Thank you so much for your support in this project, Mr. Fischbach. This will be a success."

"I look forward to it." The mentioned man shook hands, wished them all good evening, and proceeded to walk down the opposite hall. His polished black shoes made soft clicks against the floor as he approached a different elevator, one that would take him back to his executive office located on the top floor.

Mark Edward Fischbach was one of the nation's leading CEOs in the entertainment industry. He had built this company from the ground up, and now here he was, head of a multi-million dollar business. He tucked one hand in his pocket as he approached his elevator and pushed a button. Within a few seconds, the stainless steel doors opened to reveal a sleek elevator lined with mirrors. As the doors closed, he looked down at the button pad and entered the code for his office floor. A thoughtful frown appeared on his face and he checked his watch. It was a few minutes after 7pm now; his meeting ran later than he had anticipated. He wanted to send out a few emails out to his management team.

Mark briefly glimpsed at himself in the mirror, stroking his neatly trimmed stubble once before the elevator stopped and slide open with a quiet whoosh. He walked at a moderate pace, powerful long legs crossing the hallway in easy, confident strides. He approached his office doors, and with a push of a button, they slide open.

He walked into an office that was so high in the air, the evening skyline was below him, seen through the massive glass windows that took up the entire back wall. The floor was covered with a plush dark blue carpet, and his mahogany desk was situated perfectly facing away from the view.

Mark always had a fondness for wooden things.

His custom brown leather chair was pushed in, and papers were neatly stacked in a pile on the desk. Mark mentally took note of something; the cleaning staff already came, so he shouldn't be interrupted for the evening.

He sat down at his desk with a silent sigh, running a hand through his clean, raven hair before pressing a button on his office phone.

"Sean." Mark's voice was low and smooth, quiet, but commanding. He folded his hands together and waited a few seconds before a male voice responded on the line.

"Yes, hello sir."

"Come into my office with the daily report."

Shuffling of paper was heard on the other line, and Jack spoke again. "I'm on my way."

Mark spun around in his chair, taking in the beautiful sunset that expanded across the skyline, lighting the city in a blazing red glow. "Is everyone gone for the day?

A pause stretched over the line before his secretary answered. "Yes sir, everyone left."

Mark crossed his legs, resting on hand under his chin. He allowed himself, finally, a small quirk of a smile. "Very good." He spun around and ended the call. He started to peruse the paperwork he was to take care of tomorrow when the near-silent swish of his doors alerted him of his expected visitor. He listened to 3 quick, light taps that were familiar.


"Come in, Sean." Mark reorganized the papers back into place as he heard foot steps coming his way. He looked up, taking in the sight of his secretary.

Jack was a very handsome, fit man that had a rather young face; he could be mistaken for a man in his 20's. His light brown hair was cut and styled, short on the sides that showed his jawline nicely. He wore fitted dark blue trousers, a crisp white shirt, a blue tie, and brown oxfords. He adjusted his glasses with one hand, piercing and alert blue eyes looking down at the report in his other hand.

The brunette came to a stop in front of the desk, turning his attention away from the report to his boss, who was watching him closely. Jack resisted the urge to squirm under the intensity of Mark's gaze; he always gave off this powerful aura that sometimes made Jack uneasy. He swallowed, trying not to notice Mark's eyes dart down to his Adam's apple as he held out the report.

"Good evening sir, I have the report you wanted."

"Good work, Sean." Mark smiled, almost in a friendly manner, at his secretary. "Read it for me, please."

Jack nodded and flipped it to the back where he wrote the summary, knowing Mark would want him to read it out loud. He scanned his notes quickly and took a deep, quiet breath. He started to read out loud, his voice soft in the quiet atmosphere on Mark's office.

After a few minutes of reading the summary, Jack was going into prospects for tomorrow when Mark lifted his large hand up to stop him.

"Thank you, that will do. Now..." Mark leaned back in his seat, hands on his arm rests. "Tell me about the task I assigned to you. Did you do everything?"

Suddenly, the atmosphere of the office changed. The light was soft and hazy, and the air was thick with something more. Something dark.

Jack slowly set the report down, knowing his assignments wouldn't be there. No, these "assignments" were specifically given to Jack from the CEO himself.

Jack felt his face heat up a little, speaking in a hushed tone. "... Yes, sir. I did everything." He shifted slightly and folded his hands in front of him. His eyes were shining as he looked at Mark.

Mark's eyes darkened with an unidentifiable emotion. He beckoned Jack forward with a single, long finger. "Show me."

The secretary walked forward until he was around the desk, standing in front of his boss. He bit his lip, looking back at the door briefly. Mark took notice of Jack's hesitance and sat up a little straighter.

"Go on."

Jack turned back to look at Mark, biting his lip, eyes focused on him. "Alright." His hands wandered down to his waist and started to undo his belt buckle.

This was how business between them was. Yes, Jack had typical work to do, but Mark always found special tasks to give to Jack. Things that only Jack can do for Mark. Jack was happy to oblige. After all, his boss was a handsome man, and he couldn't deny his developing feelings for him.

"Come closer Sean." Mark's voice took on a soft, deep tone, his voice becoming more pronounced. His sharp eyes were taking in Jack's movement, lit with curiosity.

Jack felt a pleasant shiver run through his body at the sound of his boss's voice. When he spoke like that, Jack couldn't say no. He shuffled closer to Mark, gasping quietly in surprise when the man's large hands grasped his bony hips. Jack automatically put his hands at his sides, and waited for permission.

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