Were moving to Cali?!

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We were eating dinner, enchiladas to be exact. I loved enchiladas but my parents just had to ruin it! "Ashley we have been planing this for a while, so I hope you understand." My parents said. "What is it?" I asked not showing much interest since I was too busy eating up my enchiladas. "We are moving to California." They said. "Wait! What?!" I said chocking on some of my food. "Your dad bought the house a couple months ago. And since your aunt uncle and cousins moved there recently we thought it'd be nice to move too. We live across the street from each other so you will see each other everyday." Mom said. I had lost my appetite I just went straight to my room my parents didn't even bother calling back to finish. I just lay in my bed thinking. I wasn't sure how to feel, I wasn't sad nor mad but I have been living in Arizona since the day I was born. I've never really wanted to move. I really liked it here, despite the weather, it's pretty awesome. But I can't believe this is my last week here and my parents hadn't even told me anything till now. My aunt, uncle and cousins recently moved I was really sad I cried my eyeballs out when they moved. Despite I'm moving I'm really happy I'll finally get to see them again. Me and and my cousins, Yakcy and Jaylene were really close so I was really disappointed when they moved to Cali, but now ima be their neighbor. So I guess my parents decided we should move too, I was kinda happy we were moving cuz that meant I would see them often, but I've lived here my entire life and now I was moving. I mean, I guess I could use a change. You cant just stay in one place your whole entire life. We were leaving to Cali, Tuesday exactly a week away from today. So we only a week to get everything packed, my parents probably already started but hadn't told me. I'll probably have to get rid of a couple things so I was a lil disappointed but oh whales! I had been to California before, I love it and all but I never really thought about actually living there. My parents thought it would be nice to move to Cali, I have no clue why but I guess it couldn't be that bad. At least I could finally get away from this hot weather, it gets really hot here in AZ, but we'll be heading over to Cali at the perfect time, SUMMER! The beach, hot guys....ohhh! I really can't wait!! Guess it can't be that bad .

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