Chapter Seven: The Writing Process

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             News that I was the new drummer girl in the band spread like wildfire at school. I didn’t really mind the attention I was getting from total strangers; it was just something I wasn’t used to. So, for the next few days I was no longer the boring, transfer student, Mandy, I was “cool drummer girl” or as I liked to put it “kick-ass female drummer”.

            “Hey guys,” I ran into Blake and Ryan during the lunch rush.

            “Hey, what’s up?” Ryan waved, his Blackberry in hand.        

            I grinned at the sight of him. I wasn’t entirely sure if my feelings for Ryan were real, but I still liked to keep them in the back of my mind.

            “Nothing much, you guys going to lunch?” I adjusted my purple beanie and tried to look cute.

            “Oh, nah, we were gonna go and see if we could find an empty practice room and work on some new stuff,” Blake explained.

            “Oooh, new stuff,” I peered over his shoulder and saw some lyrics he’d written down on a napkin from McDonald’s.

            “Yeah, I was thinking about it last period, trying to come up with something kinda different,” he shrugged casually.

            “Cool, shall I tag along?” I asked.

            “’Course, we need all the help we can get,” Ryan beamed at me.

            Whew, I wondered if he still liked me…we were gonna have to talk later.

            “Awesome,” I smiled back and we walked towards the band room. None of us were actually in band, but we (Blake and Ryan at least) were friends with enough people in there. When we got there, they started talking to some of their friends and I just hung back as usual.

            Meanwhile, two guys from the back of the room stared at me. Of course, I didn’t know how to handle this, I hated when people stared right at me. I tried to look as casual as possible, but it was pretty hard considering pieces of hair that I’d tucked in my beanie were coming out.

            I finally reached into my pocket, found a bobby pin and pinned them back. I didn’t even notice the two guys walk over to me. They were both kind of geeky, with their glasses and polo shirts, but I wasn’t quick to judge.

            “Hey there,” I said, hoping I sounded friendly.

            “So word on the street is you’re the new drummer in Blake and Ryan’s band, am I right?” the taller one in a red polo asked.

            “You heard right,” I tried to sound confident.

            “Hmmm, interesting. You ought to audition for drum line, we would love to have you in it,” he urged me.

            “Uh, I’ll look into it,” I wanted him to go away.

            He startled me when he took a step closer.

            “And if you’re free on Friday night-“ he was cut off when Blake and Ryan came towards us.

            “Get away nerds,” they waved them off and the nerds walked away in defeat.

            I laughed to myself; I had my first encounter with the nerds, how exciting. LOL.

            “If they give you any trouble, just let us know,” Blake reminded me, sounding kind of like John when he said it-in a big-brother way.

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