Gone Viral

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Hinata's POV

"A-are you sure?" He asked me, sitting down on the bench next to me.

"Yes, I'm sure. Only if you want to as well-"

"Shush. Yes, I want to. I want to more than anything"

We both looked towards the guys outside.

"Look" he grabbed my hand. "We can wait, and do this another time if you don't feel comfortable"

"Tobio... I'll admit it, it's a little scary, but I want to. It just feels weird that they're focusing their attention directly on us for this moment"

"Yeah, it is"

He took his other hand, and lifted my chin up. He gave me a soft kiss and then pulled back.

"Not enough!" Daichi shouted.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, as he wrapped his around my back.

"Is this really happening?" I asked.

"You better believe it"

Our lips collided again, but this time, something was different. We were both completely new to kissing, and this was our first one with tongue.

His tongue brushed against my bottom lip, which slightly tickled honestly. I returned the favour by doing the same thing to him, and he let out a little giggle.

He was rubbing his hands across my hips which gave me shivers, so I did the same and started rubbing his neck and shoulders

There's no way he's never done this before!

I opened my mouth more, inviting his tongue inside. He brushed the back of my teeth, which also sent shivers.

He moved his hands until they were half way up my back, and kept stroking my spine.

We decided to kick it up a notch. Our tongues intertwined, getting used to the feel of each other. A moan-like sound left Kageyama's lips, which was a massive turn on.

He started twisting his fingers through my orange hair, which made me moan a little bit.

But... At what point are you supposed to stop? I'm not complaining, it felt really nice, but our friends were watching, which made me quite reluctant.

The tongue motion slowed down a bit, getting more romantic and sensual, which honestly got me wanting more. So much more. Buuuuuuut, we had to wait for that.

We put our tongues back into our own mouths, then just kissed passionately before pulling away.

We didn't even bother to look at the people that made us do this. We had all we needed.

The lock from the door rattled, Suga had finally unlocked the good damn door.

"How was that for a first?" Kageyama said, I just hugged him, not even being bothered to answer. I was still trying to catch my breath.

"Well... Shit. I didn't actually think that you'd do it" Asahi told us.

"Come on, you're just being cruel!" Noya said, "You have enough proof with that video!" He exclaimed, hitting Asahi on the arm.

Wait... Video?!

Morishige... They filmed us! We had no idea that he'd actually used it! Oh no... It's happening all over again!

Kageyama's POV

I thought I saw Morishige holding up a camera but, I thought it was some kind of dick prank!

Hinata and I exchanged worried glances, as we both already knew

"WHAT VIDEO?!" Me and Hinata both shouted, just to make sure it was what we thought it was.

"Wait... Haven't you seen it? Guys, it's everywhere. Some guys from school-"

Hinata cut Daichi off, you could see the rage in his eyes.

"Morishige... That BASTARD!" He shouted.

"Wait, did you say he goes to school here!?" I asked.

"Tsubikae Morishige? Yeah. I've heard he's a bit of a douche"

"Yeah..." I could tell Hinata was chocking up, just what did this Morishige do to him? I intend to find out. "He is" Hinata finished.

I hugged him, stroking his hair and letting his quiet sobs go into my shirt.

Damn... He's really good at hiding emotions. The others can't even tell that he's crying right now.

"Daichi... Just how popular is this video?" I asked, sitting Hinata down on a chair.

"It's got... 60,000 views"

I sighed, trying not to choke up myself.

"Right... And how long has it been uploaded for?" I sniffled. I weren't gonna get upset in front of Hinata. That'd make him even more vulnerable, seeing me like that.

"Only... 3 hours ago"

"At 5:15am? And that many people have seen it already?"

Tsukishima actually looked like he felt somewhat sorry for us, and Suga practically looked like he was going through it with us.

I gave Hinata a bottle of water, and tried to calm him down. His eyes... They were so... Still.

"I'm fine, Kageyama. I just, really need to be alone right now" He said, getting up and walking out of the gym.

"Shōyō, wai-" I was stopped by Suga's hand on my shoulder.

"Let him go. You'll see him later" I decided to listen to Suga, I didn't want to intrude when Hinata obviously didn't want me there.

So I tried to practice as normal, although my accuracy and reaction time had dropped drastically. I'd never let emotions come in the way of a game, not even a slight practice, but even I, of all people couldn't ignore it today.

Tsubikae Morishige, Watch your back... Hurt Hinata again, and I'll end you...

Hinata wasn't in maths, which is what we had first. Well, he wasn't there whilst I was awake, anyway. Which was about 15 minutes.

"Kageyama!" I woke to his soothing voice. "Lessons almost over, we're packing our stuff away" He said, clicking his fingers in front of my face.

"Hinata... You've been crying" He couldn't lie to me. Not anymore.

"What? How did you-"

"Your freckles" He made some sort of confused sound, cocking his head to the side. "When you've been crying, they puff up, and..."

"How did you notice something like that?"

"How could I not? I mean, when you know about it, it's a pretty big giveaway as to what you're feeling. You can't hide it from me, Hinata. The truth" He didn't even need to ask, so instead he just looked down at his desk.


Hoi! Trying to write this was super hard, since I've never kissed anyone (forever alone) and I had to google what actually happened during kisses and then I was just trying to imagine what it would be like, oh god! Thanks for reading! ^-^

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