The Sky is Falling!!!!!

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On the bright side, this is a the 13 facts about yourself challenge because I got tagged by @Swiftie89!

1) you have to post the rules

2) you must list 13 things about yourself

3) you can't refuse

4) you have to do this in a week or else the person who nominates you gives you a punishment of their choice

5) this can't be in comments, it has to be in your book

6) you have to nominate 15 people

7) you have to make the chapter a creative title

Ok, so let's get this going! Lights! Camera! .... oh right .. Action! (He he)

1) Jasmines are my favorite flower. They smell so good and I'm named after them

2) Right now as I'm writing this, I'm eating Sourpatch Kids

3) My dad used to have a dog and cat who actually liked each other, but then they died. :(

4) My school STILL hasn't gone out for summer break (but we're out tomorrow!)

5) I became a Swiftie at age 6, but a bigger one at age 10

6) I wish that there was a job called "professional fangirl".....

7) Currently, my favorite song is All Too Well

8) I'm starting the Harry Potter series, they are the best books ever

9) I took the Harry Potter house quiz online 3 times and got Ravenclaw two times and Hufflepuff one time.

10) I'm still waiting for my letter to Hogwarts

11) I have a little brother and sister

12) I daydream too much

13) I promise a real update this weekend and when I promise something, I never ever break that promise (Tangled reference)

I nominate A_Blonde_Ambition, DeadliestSeahawk13, britneyfrancis, 1738AYYYYY, AmeVicky02, Maris701, meredithswiftt, MayTheSwiftBeWithYou, Lukey_Pukey1,Lauren_Writes_Things,littletinyorngedroid,Missy_Potter13,new-york-swift, starbucksxlovers, SwiftiesStrikeBack,

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