Snake vs Fox

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"Fine. Then I will," Orochimaru shrugged.

Once more, they rushed at each other, becoming blurs that sped around trees. There was the distinct clash of metal.

"Great Wind Breakthrough!"

"Earth Release: Earth Release Wall!"

Orochimaru's eyes widened.

He can use Earth Release? Surely it's not possible he can use all five - no...

"It's true," Naruto smirked, eyes locking on Orochimaru. "I can."

Orochimaru hesitated, then chuckled lowly. "You are a worthy opponent of me, then," he said. "Let's  take this a step up."

"I'm up for it," Naruto responded coolly. "Let's dance."

There was a flash and two weapons appeared in his hand. Orochimaru froze, his snake-like eyes darting to the katana. It was ebony black, with tiny white diamond patterns and a golden fox symbol decorating its black hilt. His other hand held a chokuto slightly longer than normal. It was silver, and its hilt was also black with the golden fox symbol.

"No," Orochimaru whispered. "You're Konoha's Golden Fox."

"What?" Naruto tipped his head.


"Fox Style: Nine Flames of Hell!"

Orochimaru cursed under his breath. This brat has the Kyuubi's power mastered? He's too dangerous, I need to run and recover my strength...

"No running from me."

What the fuck? Is he a mind-reader?

He gritted his teeth and took his chance. He flew through discreet hand seals and used an Invisibility Jutsu to mask himself.

Naruto chuckled. "Dear Orochimaru, an Invisibility Jutsu isn't going to save you. Just because I can't see you doesn't mean I can't kill you."

Orochimaru's eyes widened.


He can't.

Naruto wore his hood again and slowly leaped out of the forest. Orochimaru nearly relaxed, but then he remembered Naruto's words.

His eyes stretched further.

Naruto, meanwhile, had reached the end of the forested area near Konoha. His lips curved into a small smile. I wonder...

Kill him. He's nothing more than a sick, disgusting bastard.

Naruto formed the Tiger hand seal.


"What was that?" Tsunade Senju, the current Hokage of Konoha, demanded, her head jerking up.

The Hokage office door burst open. 

"Hokage-sama!" one Chunin shouted. "Part of the Konoha forest has exploded!"

Tsunade raised her eyebrows. "Exploded?"

She massaged her forehead. "Shikamaru and Sasuke's teams, go to the forest to investigate. Bring Temari and Haku." She must have noticed Sasuke stiffening visibly, so she added, "Shikamaru, you take Haku. Sasuke, you take Temari."

They nodded and disappeared in swirls of leaves, leaving a whole pile of leaves on the floor. 

Tsunade called one of the ANBU to clean up the leaves and dismissed the other Chunin.

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