The smell of the coffee shop filled my nose. The grains smelled fresh and the atmosphere was welcoming. A warm feeling filled all who entered, like a home type feel. The chattering of costumers and laughing of close friends was heard. This was my job. I work at The Grains. A small coffee shop along the town shopping center. The town center was really just a string of small businesses along the main road that runs through town. I live in a small town called paradise. For those passing through it is a type of paradise. The people are welcoming and friendly. The hotel is cheap and the food is amazing. paradise sits just along the west edge of Oklahoma. Its not a place that is easy to find and you can pass by in the blink of an eye. The population consists of around 300. I happen to be one of the lucky few to live here in paradise. This town is all i have ever known, and i know that there is more out there.Travelers have stopped by at the shop and i have heard amazing stories. But I don't want to hear stories, i want to experience stories.

"Jamie...Jamie" a hand waving in front of my face brought me out of my thoughts and back into reality."Jamie you where day dreaming again.Here" Mrs. Christi shoved a tray of coffee and breakfast foods into my hand and pointed to table three."that goes to three, the gentleman with the hat."as i turned to walk off i felt a hand on my shoulder"oh and Jamie..." I turned to look at my boss " He is a traveler." I smiled at that. Mrs. Christi new i loved to hear their stories.Mrs. Christi is an older lady.her face is wrinkled but kind and her heart is big. She loves all and believes that no matter how troubled someone is or no matter how broken they are, that there is hope for them... nobody is a lost cause.

The man wore a black cowboy type hat and had on a cowboy type get up. he wore cowboy boots a blue button up shirt that was tucked into blue boot cut jeans with a black belt. "here you go" i said as i placed the plate of food and coffee down on the table." howdy ma'am" he had a thick accent. i smiled lightly at him."not from around here are you."i couldn't help but ask,hoping that he would tell me about something other than here."no ma'am im from new ever been there?" he asked with a toothy grin. i gave him a kind of sad smile " um.. no sir. i haven't been anywhere but here." he cleared his throat"well.. if you got a minute ill tell you 'bout it some" i nodded and smiled. he motioned for me to take seat in the chair across from him." my names Douglas McFarland,but you can call me dug for short."he extended his hand out and i gratefully took it in mine.i smiled"im Jamie"he scratched the stubble of a beard on his face and began to tell me about his home town. he lived out on a farm and is going to meet up with some family members up north. he told me about his bulls and horses and how his wife and kids are doing. he told me about how the crops failed and he decided he needed a break from his work for a while. he is going to see is brother and their little family. he pulled out his wallet and showed me pictures of his family."they're beautiful" i told him. the children look exactly like their the time he finished his story his food had been long eaten and coffee done drank. "well. i guess i should be on my way little Missy." he stood and held a hand out to me. i took it and he helped me stand. even though i did not need it."pleasure meeting you" he said. " thank you" i said as he began to leave. he waved and left.

I sighed and began to clear his table. most of the morning had passed by now and i should be off soon. though i dont mind working later, because i had listened to that mans story for so long. Though i know that i will be sent home on time,because this happens often.

My shift ended not long after. I said goodbye and left. The streets where almost clear of people, and it was nice to be able to walk home without nosy neighbors in my business. My house is about a twenty minute walk, but i dont mind it much. It gives me time to clear my head and think about the places i want to see.When i finally rounded the corner of my street i could see my house. It is a small blue house with a nice little garden along the bottom of the porch. My mom planted that garden when i was young. After she died i kept it alive. I miss my mom i thought.I walked up the steps to my house and quietly opened the door. I knew my dad was home. h
He never left. After my mom died he became a dead beat dad. He became abusive and a bad alcoholic. The whole town new, and i got the backlash of it. People gave me unwanted pity or laughed at me, but that's fine, because i will be gone soon because I am leaving all this behind me in the dust.

My only regret is leaving my cat brownie. I am glad Amy agreed to take her when i go. Amy is my best friend. She is the same as i am when it comes to being stuck somewhere. She hates it. The difference between Amy and me,is the fact that she has reasons to stay. She has family who loves her, a boyfriend who wants to marry her someday, and she is continuing her education and going to collage. Its not that i dont have people who love me, because i have always been welcome with Amy and her family. Its just that here, in this place, it isn't for me. Schooling isn't for me. There has to be more out there than what we are told. Society has made people believe that money is everything and that the only way to truly experience the beauty of life is having a family and a job. That life isn't for me either.The thing is we dont really live anymore. The thrill of life has almost all but vanished. All we really do is just survive. The crazy, fun, random adventures are frowned upon and are considered wrong. Society has given us the impression that the youth of the nation is to follow orders and don't have an opinion on the things that matter. They are considered to young and immature to understand whats going on.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when brownie rubbed against my leg. I didn't even realize i had been standing in the doorway with the door open. I tend to get lost in thought. That happens often. I closed the door and took an immediate right and walked into my bedroom. My room was small. On the far wall across from my door was my bed. On the left was my closet door and on the right was my dest and laptop. The walls are covered in band and anime posters,along with a few television shows I watch. I flopped down on my mattress and closed my eyes. The last I remember before I fell asleep was a clap of thunder and the sound of rain on the roof. It lulled me to sleep as it did every time.
The rain I mean it makes me fall asleep easily.

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