Oh, Well This Is Amusing

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"So, you're telling me that while I've been attending funerals and mourning, that Elena's turned her emotions off and nearly killed two people, as well as drop Caroline on her head at cheer leading and threw a party." I stated, surprised. "She's good at this. Of course, I've never truly shut off my emotions, but she seems like she's having as much fun as possible."

"Yeah, well, I'm not having fun picking up this rubbish." Stefan told me. "Are you going to just sit there or are you actually going to help?"

"Well, I like sitting here a lot." I told Stefan. "As for this missing blood thing, it's got to be Silas. He's the only one that needs it because I sure as hell don't have any. I've got a deal going with the hospital. When the blood is nearly expired and they get new blood, I get the old blood. Not the best, but it keeps me hidden from hunters that are after me. I've got a few reputations to uphold."

"Have you had any contact with Silas?" Stefan asked me. "I'm hoping we can understand at least a tiny bit about him."

"I'll talk when Klaus arrives and stops bugging poor Caroline." I told Stefan walking in Klaus' direction. 

"Oh I can, and I do." I heard Caroline say to Klaus. "Now if you don't mind, I'd like to get back to spiraling so go away."

"Actually, I asked him to be here." Stefan told Caroline. "We need his help as well as Anna's. I think Silas is in Mystic Falls."

"I think we should all move into the parlour." I told them. "And by think, I mean we are. I've been having a horrible time since Kol died and you don't want to mess with me right now because I've had to put up with Silas trying to get on my good side."

We all moved to the parlour and Klaus started to pour a drink. Before he could pick it up and drink it, I took it, causing him to have to pour a new one.

"So some blood went missing from a few hospitals." Klaus stated, unimpressed. He then started to speak to Stefan. "What about Elena? Don't vampires with their humanity off tend to overindulge in human blood, or were you the exception?" 

"It's not Elena." Stefan insisted.

"Well, let's say for a moment it was actually Silas." Klaus suggested. "I'm struggling to see how this affects me."

"Look, Silas wants to die and be reunited with his old love." Stefan explained. "The thing is, he's supernatural so if he takes the cure and dies, he gets stuck on the Other Side. Not to mention, he may take Anna with him."

"How Shakespearean." Klaus muttered.

"If he destroys the Other Side altogether, he can take the cure, die and pass on, but in destroying it, every dead supernatural being will return to our side." Stefan explained.

"That means every werewolf, every witch, every vampire." Caroline added. "I wonder how many of those you personally killed. Care yet?"

"My interest is piqued." Klaus admitted. "How do we stop him."

"Well, first I was hoping that Anna would share her experience with Silas." Stefan told Klaus. "All I know is that he gave her more power, but it was only enough to get out of the barrier. He then took it away."

"Why is it always you that gets into the middle of things so quickly?" Klaus asked, smirking.

"If I knew, I would tell you, but I think it's because people think they can actually trust me and unlike you, I let them believe that. If they're a good person, like Caroline, Jeremy, Tyler, Stefan and Damon are, I trust them back and it starts a friendship." I told Klaus. "Back to what happened with Silas now, before I get carried away. He came into my house and basically tried to start small talk, which I didn't allow to happen, so he got straight to the point and asked me if he could stay and I said no. He showed me you, Stefan. That's who he appeared as and I don't know why."

Anna Salvatore ReturnsWhere stories live. Discover now