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Trust...i was thinking what topic will i write next and one of my watty friend asked about some trust thing...So i thought why not write about it...

"Breaking someones trust is like crumbling up a  paper . You can smooth it over but it's never going to be the same again. "

We always trust someone right??Imagine a situation in which they breaks your will you feel??

I was like a person who trust people too blindly and have broken my heart a lot...bjt after so many experience i have changed a lot...Now i dont trust anyone soo easily becaise i am always afraid of bteaking my heart...

Trust always plays a major part in our life.As i have gone through so many trust issues in my life i know how bably our heary has been broken in to pieces and also how much time will we take to mend it back..

Once the trust is broken by that person its too hard to trust them again right??Loosing your trust to someone is one of the most painful thing.Once even i had gone through that situation because of my ex best friend.Just imagine a situation where ulur bestfriend who you know for 7 whole year breaks your trust...How much amount of pain will it cause to your heart??Thats the amount of pain i have gone through..

When you trust someone, your mind is at peace, and even the thought of that person brings joy to your heart. When it is broken, however, there is a deep and unsettling pain at even the mention of the offender’s name.

I want to say that we need to experience a broken trust in order to really be able to appreciate an unbroken trust, but this is not so. There are some experiences in life that no one deserves to experience and dealing with a BROKEN TRUST is certainly one of the top ten.

Some people go through their lives never experiencing the feelings of betrayal or deception or a BROKEN TRUST. For them life is always good and on an evenkeel. They cannot even imagine what others, that have had even one of those experiences, is feeling or trying to explain. 

When you love someone, it does not mean that you should turn a blind eye and agree with their every thought or decision. You, as your own person have choices. If you feel threatened or betrayed, you have the right to clear up those feelings.Life can be so good when we have no BROKEN TRUST
issues to deal with.

So friends before trying some thing which is going to hurt others just think how they will feel.How much pain will it cause them.Because only the one who have experienced it can know how painful it is.

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