I walk out of the secret room, Maggie had shown me some footage of our next target. I walk up the stairs my heels clicking as I do so, me and the other five girls are part of a secret operation run by yours truly, we take out the bad guys all over the world. We are the people that other people contact when they want someone executed, but we don't just do it because they don't like them, there has to be a valid reason for us to go after them. I get a text from Selena telling me there's someone here to see me, I walk toward the living room. Once I get there I see two guys, one tall and clearly muscular and the other shorter but still muscular. One had dyed platinum blonde hair and the other had dirty blonde hair, I stand in front of them. "Who are you." I stare bluntly at them, they look at each other nervously. "Um I'm Jack Gilinsky and this is Jack Johnson, we're here because we know you can help us." I stare at the two, I hear more heels clicking and Madison and Maggie appear next to me on both sides. "What do you need help with?" My voice more calming now. They hand over a brief case, I grab it and study it. I nod and turn around and walk down the stairs, I make a motion with my hand for them to follow me, I walk town the marble stairs until I reach the steel door. I put my hand on the scanner, the door slides open and reveals a stone stair case going down. I walk down to the middle of the room where a table is placed, I open the brief case and pull out all the files. I spread them out looking at the top that says Matthew Espinosa. I hum when I read the name, I look at the pictures taken and see the mess of their house. By the looks of it this guy didn't go down without a fight, I see 4 body bags also in one of the pictures explains the amount of blood. "So Matthew, he a friend of yours?" I look up at them and see Gilinsky with his hand cover his mouth, a tear escapes his eye. "He was like our brother, we all went out one night to have some fun and I guess he left while we where still there because when we got back we found the place like that." I nod and look over at Madison and nod her toward him, she looks panicked I roll my eyes this girl must think I'm dumb I see the way they've been looking at eachother. She nods and goes over to him putting a hand on his should to comfort him. "And the body bags?" Johnson speaks up this time "Those four people were close to us too, one of our friends little brother is one of the people that died." He walks over and starts from the left body "That was Jacob, then Tez, Mahogany, and Hayes." I stand there shocked at this information "How old." I speak up. "Jacob was 17, Tez was 18, Mahogany was 17, and Hayes... he was 15." I clench my jaw "How old is Espinosa." I look at his hand tats he moves a paper that shows him, gilinsky and another kid. "That's Matthew." I stare at the boy with longish dirty blonde hair and a crooked jawline. I furrow my eyebrows, I walk over to the computer and type some things in as I'm doing so I call out to Maggie"Maggie who was the guy that called in about the guy they wanted gone." Maggie comes over and stands next to me "Um it was Kian Lawley." I hear a slam I turn around around and see Gilinsky pissed "So your telling me that Kian wants my best friend dead?!" I nod around and bring up all of Lawleys information, whereabouts, records and throw it up on the big screen. Maggie goes over and works her magic, "Here's what I'm going to do, I'm going to find Kian and eliminate him, then I'm going to find Matthew. I'm going to train you and your friends to fight and learn how to kill without regret, I'm going to teach you how to have no remorse for your enimies, I'm going to help you get your friend back." His facial expression hardens as does Johnsons, "I'm going to give you these phones to contact me when you have found information or need us." I hand them two I phones with and ear piece. "Madison show them out, it was nice meeting you two." They nod and thank me then walk out with Madison. I turn back to the table and find ever clue I could find.