Chapter 6 - Identifying the Player.

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Harry Styles P.O.V

The kiss was reaching its height, the closet was getting steamy, or maybe it was just my imagination.

I was brought back to reality as light came pouring through the janitors closet.

“What the fuck?” I mumbled, my eyes adjusting to the sudden brightness.

“Well well well… If it isn’t the school’s whore and the asshole.” A voice said, I looked behind Auburn to see the Greek goddess herself; the girl who is my partner in algebra. She was an interesting girl.

She smirked and leaned an arm on the door, clearly enjoying this. I could see that Auburn was mortified, I however didn’t care. This wasn’t the first time I’d been caught during a make-out session.

“What do you want, Katy?” Auburn spat with disgust.

“Well, Mila’s kinda pissed at you, because someone over here was too bust swapping saliva with Harry Styles to attend the rehearsal we had.” She replied, her tone of voice classy, yet bitchy.

So she knows my name... Maybe I had a chance.

“Oh shit.” Auburn hissed, as she turned around and glared at me like it was my fault.

“Don’t blame me sweetheart, buy a watch.” I muttered, making my way out of the closet.

That girl; Katy, was already half way down the corridor.

“Hey Katy, wait up.” I called.

I heard footsteps behind me, and I rolled my eyes knowing it was Auburn.

At that same time Katy stopped and started walking towards me.

“You’re asking her to ‘wait up’? When there’s a perfectly hot piece of ass waiting for you in the closet?”

I sighed, running a hand through my hair. Auburn was good for one thing, and for one thing only; sex.

Katy smirked, “I’m sorry but I would rather walk with me than someone who refers to themselves as a (and I quote) ‘hot piece of ass’. Shows how much self respect you have for yourself honey.”

“Oooh.” I said, grinning at her witty remark.

Auburn eyed me meaningfully before storming off in the other direction.

“That was pretty cool back there, I haven’t seen Auburn that pissed in a while.”

She chuckled, “I’m just glad I caught you too, now I can hold it against you both forever.”

“You’re just upset it wasn’t you in there, instead of Auburn.” I smirked.

I could’ve sworn her cheeks heated up, as she started immediately blushing. And then realised how beautiful she really way. Was I developing in a crush?

Nah, course not. Harry Styles doesn’t crush, he plays.

“So are you and Auburn like… A thing?” Katy asked, looking down at the ground.

“What? No.” I said, snapping out from my daze.

“Really? So you just make-out with a girl, but then claim to have no interest in her?” She spoke up, her eyebrows furrowed.

“Well no- I mean… Yeah. I suppose.”

“Sounds kinda dickish to me…” She murmured.

“Well I’m a player- what can I say?” I shrugged.

“So that means you play girls?” She questioned.


Where was she going with this?

“Like… play with there hearts? Make them think you like them? Flirt with them so they find themselves thinking about you twenty-four seven? Call them late at night and talk for hours? Tell them they’re beautiful and make them feel special and important?” she looked at me directly, I mentally shrunk down in size.

“Then after you’ve gotten what you wanted, you stop. You stop the whole act. The act that had her fooled, had her thinking you and her would be in a legit relationship. She wonders why you cut off contact, why you don’t smile or chat with her in the hallways?  Why you don’t text intermittently during the day… Why you don’t think she’s beautiful anymore? Is that what a player does? Is that what you do?”

She was looking at me, deep in the eyes, her expression hard and cold.

“Because if so… Then I can’t stand the sight of you.” And with that, she walked down the hall.

* * *

All night, I couldn’t stop thinking about it; what Katy had said how angry and upset she had looked. What did it mean?

I rose from my bed, and entered the shower.

“Is that what you do?”

I couldn’t answer that question, because I would have to say yes. Yes I play girls, I break hearts and I never stay.

It’s the way it’s always been; why change now?

Besides if you wanna be a bidder in the Slave Auction; you’re gonna have to be single.

I had been preparing for the Slave Auction, I was determined to win Katy, but I’d been asking about- every guy wanted her.

Of course they did, I mean she was the Last Girl which immediately put her at high bidding, but she had never done anything like this, and half the guys in this year masturbate over her Facebook pictures. I imagine they’re all pretty excited about her.

But I had to win. Winning was in my nature, especially when it comes to girls.

Every Slave Auction was like a raging war- the richest guys in the year constantly yelling at each other, their bids growing higher each time.

Those where the idiots of the Slave Auction, I, however had game and tactics; I always got the girl I wanted. I had never lost.

How much would I be willing to pay for Katy?

A lot.

* * *

In the next chapter; the Slave Auction. What it mean? In the next chapter appear 1D. Are you excited? What do you think of this? Tell me, 

So... if you want the next chapter;


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