Surprise Twin!

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Michaels P.O.V

Being two weeks over due with a baby boy is harder than it looks.

This baby won't stop kicking my bladder, making having the need to take a piss 24/7.
As of right now I'm in me and my boyfriends living room trying to watch a movie.
"God damnit Calum!"

My boyfriend Calum looked over at me.
"What did I do?" He asked.
"You impregnated me with the devil! He won't stop kicking and it's starting to really hurt now."

Calum placed his hand on top of my enormous bump and lifted up my shirt.
"Hey little guy, calm down in there." He kissed my skin.
That's when I felt a harsh kick. I hissed at the feeling.

"Mikey you alright?"
The pain finally settled down.
Calum kept his hand on top of my belly.
"Mike your stomach is hard. I think you might be going into labor."
I shook my head.

"No no no, Calum I'm not ready it can't be now!"
I had tears rolling down my face as I cried into his shoulder.

"Michael it's gonna be okay. We're having our little boy. Cmon let me help you up."
As Calum went to help me up I felt the same pain from just before but worse.

I screamed in pain and I felt my pants get wet.
I looked up at Calum to see him terrified.
"U-uh. Okay, it's okay. I'm gonna get the baby bag, and you are going to stay right where you are okay?" I nodded and he ran up the stairs.

  After Calum got the baby bag, he helped me get into the car.

It took us a little while because of the contractions I was having.

For what seemed like forever, we finally made it to the hospital.

"Cmon love lets get you inside." Calum told me.
I was going to get up again, but the pain came yet again.
"Calum he's right there!" I yelled out.
Calum came running to my side of the car and helped me out as best as he could.
"Are you okay to walk."
I shook my head.
"Calum he's head is about to come out of my asshole! I can't walk right no- ahh!"
"Quick get him on the wheelchair." I looked up to see a couple nurses run over with a wheelchair.
I gently sat down and they rolled me into the hospital.
Just as we got into a room, the nurses and doctors didn't hesitate to place me on the bed and rip off my pants.
I looked around the room and didn't see Calum anywhere.
"Wait where's Calum?! Please I need him in here!"
The doctors looked over at eachother.
"We can't wait any longer sir, the baby is already crowning! Now push!"
As I went to push I heard the door open.
"I'm here! Sorry love I got held back." Calum rushed out.
He kissed my forehead and encouraged me to push.
I pushed with all the energy I had but the baby barely moved.
"Cal why isn't the baby moving?!" I yelled.
"Michael I'm going to help you out with this one okay? Just keep pushing and I'll try to help out." The doctor told me.
I took a deep breath and pushed again. Finally the baby was able to move and the head was out.
"Just a few more to go Michael and your baby will be here."

I looked up a Calum.
"Almost there love. You can do it."
I pushed again for another 10 minutes and the pain was finally gone.

As I was trying to catch my breath I felt another pain and screamed.
"Why is there more pain?!"
Calum looked scared as hell. Just like me.
"Well it looks like your son has a sibling!" The doctor cheered.

I screamed again.
"Fuck you Calum!"

The doctor told me to push again.
This baby was a lot harder than the first born.
It took a total of 40 minutes for the pain to go away again.

"It's a girl!" The doctor said smiling.
I looked over at Calum to see a huge smile on his face.

He saw me and kiss my face all over.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you. I love you so much. You brought two little babies into the world, and we have a little girl now!" He smiled.

The doctors took the babies to be checked out while I was being cleaned up and change into the hospital gown.

After a few minutes of that I felt really tired.
Calum held my hand.
"Go to sleep love. The babies will be here when you wake up."


When I woke up I felt really drowsy.

The aftermath of giving birth.

I heard mumbling to next to me.
I looked over and saw Calum holding two little blankets that held my babies.

"I love you two so much. I didn't know we were going to have you little girl, but it was the greatest surprise ever. I hope you two don't get into too many fights when your older... Oh god I'm already thinking of the future, when you were just born a little over an hour ago." He laughed quietly.

"Calum" I whispered.

Calum looked over at me.
"Hey guys look who's awake!" Calum said to the babies.
I held out my arm for him to bring me them.
Once they were placed in my arms, I had this whole new feeling. Like protection.
I mean obviously every parent should protect their children at all cost.
But as being a new parent it's a whole new feeling.
The feeling of having to care and love for another little human... Or in the case, two little humans.
I know these little ones are going to make life so much better.
I say it now, but let's wait till their teenagers.
I was interrupted by Calums words.

"So what are we naming them. I know you wanted to wait until he- or they were born."

I handed Calum our little boy.
"How about you name him and I name her. That way it's fair for both of us."

Calum held the small boy, thinking of a name.
"I like Riley for a boy. And Mason for the middle name. It sounds nice together"

"Babe, that's perfect. I don't know what to name her. I want it to be special, and not some common name." I gasped. "Jasey. Jasey Rae."
Calum laughed.
"From All Time Low?"
I nodded.
"Yeah, it was our first concert together. And we had our first kiss during that song."
He smiled.
"It's absolutely beautiful."

Riley Mason Clifford-Hood
Jasey Rae Clifford-Hood

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