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Everly and I are both at school early, it's rainy and windy. Both of our buses got here early and at the same time. I start talking to her about my mom when Connor walks up. We've been dating for about six months now, but it doesn't feel like we're actually dating. He barely even talks to me, let alone looks at me. Connor walks off with his friends.

"So how are things going with you two?" Everly asks.

"Fine, I guess. We barely talk. I mean I like him, a lot, its just that I wish we knew more about each other. I mean with Valentine's Day coming up I don't even know what to get him. I barely even know him."

"Get him a wallet or something, guys like wallets. Anyways, so you were talking about your mom?" I don't want to tell her everything, not yet anyways. Susana and I still stay at Aunt Lyra and Uncle Bob's after school until seven or eight, sometimes we'll spend the night.

"Right, so she's back home now and we get to go over there sometimes."

"Wait, just sometimes? She's your mom you should be able to go over there all the time, that is not fair."

"Ev, its fine, I mean things could be better, but its fine." Just then the bell rings and we go to class.

I'm supposed to go to my dad's today since it's Wednesday. I go to his house Wednesday and every other weekend. Instead of picking me up at my house he's gonna pick me up from Aunt Lyra's and Uncle Bob's. The day drags on slowly. Then I finally reach seventh hour, the worst hour of the day. My science teacher is the worst. She yells at everyone and everything that exists. She's a terrible human being who surprisingly loves nature. She starts yelling at everyone to put their pencils down to listen. In most classes, putting your pencil down means stop writing. Oh, but not for her because you have to put your pencil down on the desk and you can be no where near it. One time my hand was on the desk, and for the record I was not touching my pencil, and she comes up to me and is in my personal space bubble and her face gets bright red like Tinker Bell. And she yells at me to keep my hand away from my pencil or I will get detention. So I took my hand away just before someone laughed. That's when she got that person up to the front of the room and slapped him in the face. We've tried writing letters to the principal about her many times, but honestly I think he's too scared to fire her or even say anything. It's either that or he's just lazy.

Finally, the end of the day arrives and I get on the bus. I get off at Aunt Lyra's and Uncle Bob's as usual, except this time Uncle Bob isn't there to pick me up. That's okay, I'll just walk to their house, it's not that far of a walk. When I get there both my aunt and uncle's cars are gone. My phone died on the bus so I can't call anyone. Great. Now it's raining. I don't have a key to their house, but I have a key to my mom's so I decide to walk up the to my mom's house which is a little further up the road. I'm only a little bit down the road when it starts raining harder. I pass a cop car that's just sitting there and I think about walking over and asking t use their phone, but I figure they have better things to worry about than me, so I just keep walking. That's when I see the familiar silver impala that my mom drives and it pulls into the street where the cop car is parked.

"Thank God," I whisper to myself. I run over just as it starts pouring and I hop in the car.

"Honey didn't you get my message?" My mom immediately asks.

"No, Mama, my phone died on the bus." She looked almost disappointed, "I'm sorry my phone does that sometimes."

"It's fine, let's just go home, oh and are you alright? Its pouring you must be cold!" I give her a blank look.

"Um, yeah I'm a little chilly, but I'm fine."

"Okay," she smiles, "let's go home."

"You know my dad is supposed to pick me up right?"

She sighs and is silent for a minute then says, "I forgot. Yes I remember now." She has a terrible memory, which is why I think it's strange that a have such a good memory. I remember things from when I thought I was five, but I was actually two, my mom told me that. Obviously I will never forgot what happened with my mother.

I'm back at my dad's house, Sammy's sleeping and I'm watching TV with Jennika. Katrina and my dad are in the kitchen talking while having a few beers. That might sound bad, but it's really not. They don't go overboard with it, most of the time. It's not like they binge drink, they slowly sip on their beer while they have a normal conversation.

Jennika drifted off to asleep. I cover her up with her favorite unicorn blanket so she doesn't get cold. Later, my dad brings Jennika to her room and in her bed, she's out like a rock. After that my parents go to bed and so do I.

I wake up to the lovely sound of screaming. Who is screaming? What's wrong? Oh right, I have a three month old little brother. He has his own room now, he doesn't sleep in a bassinet next to my parents bed anymore, now he has a crib. I wait for my dad or Katrina to get him, but I don't hear anyone except for Sammy. Finally, I roll out of bed and check the time. It's 2:34AM it's way to early for this. I walk to Samuel's room and he's still crying, I glance over to my parents room across from his and they're still fast asleep. They're probably a little hungover from drinking. He starts screaming louder so I pick him up and cradle him, he's probably hungry. I guess I'll go and make him a bottle. Luckily there's a bottle in the fridge I just need to warm it up a little bit. Once it's warmed up I bring him in the living room and sit in the blue rocking chair and I give him his bottle and we just sit and rock. Our dog Milo comes and sits next to us as if he knows Sam was upset. I look at Samuel as he eats and I see how precious he is. He's my baby brother and I love him. I couldn't imagine anything ever happening to him. I will look after him and make sure he is always safe. I feel the same way about Jennika and Susana. I love them both too. I don't know what I would do if anything ever happened to any of them, I can't imagine it.

"Don't worry Sammy," I whisper, "I won't ever let anything happen to you. You're safe. You don't ever have to be afraid." I smile at his adorable baby face as he finishes his bottle. I place the bottle on the table and I bring Sammy to his room, Milo follows to make sure he's safe. I kiss him on the forehead and place him in his crib. He's so delicate and fragile. He's like a flower sleeping soundly and happily. I leave his room to go back to mine. I give Jennika a kiss on her forehead too before climbing in bed and falling asleep.

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