Chapter 6

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Ryan's POV


I watched as the crowd of people left the backyard and started making their way back to where ever they called home. I looked over at the clock. It was now about 1 am. I must have drifted off at some point between now and then.The party was over, everyone was gone except for one special person. I went over to the front closet and grabbed a jacket. I slipped it over my body and opened the front door. As I stepped out I saw her.

She was in the apartments court yard, asleep on an old wooden porch swing. I took off the jacket I put on and made my way over to her. I stood over her admiring every detail in her face. Flawless. I crouched down and moved the single strand of hair guarding her face to behind her ear. I placed the jacket over her. Now that everyone was gone the apartment complex was dead silent. All you could hear was her breathing as she slept. "Should I wake her?" I thought to myself. I put my hand on her shoulder and gave her a light shove. Nothing. Her arms were freezing cold. She must have been out here for at least 3 hours. I moved closer to her and rested my hand on her cheek. Before I knew it I found my lips crashing passionately onto her. She moved a little and began to kiss me back. Her hand moved to the back of my head, making the kiss deepen. I could feel her start to smile, and I pulled away.

"Good morning sunshine." I rubbed her numb cheek as her eyes fluttered open. "Let's get you inside shall we?" I smiled and stood up. I picked her up into my arms. "hold on" i said. She wrapped her arms around me as I began walking back up to the house. Everyone now had gone to bed. I made my way down the hall and into my room. I began to sat her down on the bed but she grabbed my shirt and pulled me down with her. I held myself above her staring down into her deep blue glassy eyes.

"Thank you for bringing me inside." She smiled and grabbed my face pulling me in for another kiss. She pulled me down on top of her again and i could tell she had had a little too much to drink.

I pulled away from her and stood up.

"Sara I think you need to get some sleep, You have had a long day.." her eyes widen. She stood up and pulled me up against her body. I swallowed hard and tried to resist her.

"Come on Ryan. Don't you want me?" She began kissing my chin. I put my hands on her shoulders and moved her back.

"Sara, look I do like you and maybe if you weren't intoxicated right now.. Look we need to just go to sleep and talk about this tomorrow okay..?" I sat her down on the bed and she looked disappointed. She crawled down the bed to the head board. "Ryan....."

"Yeah?" I turned and looked at her.

" Can I have something to wear to bed" I sighed then nodded an okay to her. I stumbled over to my bag and grabbed her a t shirt and some basket ball shorts. I walked over to the side of the bed and handed them to her. She didn't grab them though, instead she grabbed for my hand for help up. I helped her out of the bed and stood her up.

"Are you going to be able to get changed into these?" I asked her hesitantly. She looked unstable on her feet.

"I.. Think so. " She started stripping her clothes off, I began walking out of the room, but before I opened the door she said something. "You don't have to leave, it's okay... Besides i'm done anyways." I turned around to face her. She had thrown the shorts back into my bag, and her clothes were scattered on the floor. She was left in only my t-shirt.

She climbed back into bed and patted the place beside her. I pulled off my shirt and walked to my side of the bed. I hesitated before getting in next to her. She pulled the warm covers over her and I and settled into the bed. She pulled me closer to her and then nuzzled her head into my bare chest.

"Good night Ry."I moved the hair out of her face and kissed her head

"Good night Sara"

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