Chapter 6

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Louis P.O.V 

Ok. So I haven't been honest lately. I've been acting like a dick ever since that Marcel guy came to school. He's just as much of a person as anybody here but I've made him feel like shit. I don't really know why I hate him. It's just something inside me that makes me want to punch him.

So back to the thing I haven't been honest about. Well... I'm not into girls. I just don't find them attractive. I don't like boobs or any of that stuff. I like a dick.

And I may have a slight obsession for Harry Styles...

It's not like I can help it! He's just so bloody hot. But he'll never like me back because of 1. He doesn't know who I am. And 2. I was kind of rude back on that day at the cinema. I just couldn't help it. It was the first time I saw him and he was with Liam and they were acting pretty close. So I got a little jealous.

My friends know about my feeling for both females and the sex god that was named Harry Styles. They are really accepting and I couldn't ask for better friends.

Talking about Harry, after I left Marcel's house and walked through my house going straight to my room which was locked, I open the door to my room which had posters completely covering my walls. Want to guess who's posters? You guessed right. Harry Styles covered my wall. I can't help it. Don't judge.

I go to my laptop and open my Wattpad account to see my Harry Styles fan fiction had 84 new votes. I think I'm doing good. might not be the best but I'm getting there.

I close it and lay on my bed. Slowly falling asleep.


Four hours later I wake up to my mom yelling for me to get up. I could hear my little sister's running around giggling. I get out of bed and walk out of my bedroom. Making my way to the kitchen where I could hear my mom doing things.

"Oh finally! I need some help. Can you go to the supermarket and get me some of these." She said giving me a list of groceries she needed.

"Sure," I said. She gave me her card and I left the house, hopping into my car. I drive to the supermarket humming to a song that was softly playing on the radio.

When I get there I lock the car doors and look at the list of things I needed. The first thing was some milk. I make my way to the isle and get the milk. Then I need some cheese so I go to the dairy aisle.

The next thing on the list was some pasta. I was walking to the aisle and when I made it, I stopped dead in the middle and practically had a heart attack. Right there, looking at a box of macaroni was Harry Styles. I didn't know what to do. I wanted to say something but what if he remembers me from the movie theater. Plus I asked him a question at school. While I was having this predicament I didn't realize he was looking directly at me.

I smile nervously and look away embarrassed and try to play it off by looking for the pasta. He puts the macaroni down and goes on to the next brand. I really want to talk to him but he probably already hates me.

Ugh, stop being a wimp you loser.

It's not as easy to just walk up to the person your madly in love with.

If you don't you'll never have another chance.

What about Vidcon?

Never get the chance again.




I listen to the voice and make my way over to Harry. He was still looking at some boxes of pasta.

"Umm. Hi! I'm Louis. And you're Harry. And I'm a big fan and I don't know if you remember me but I was with the group of people who were kind of... you know talking to Liam. And I regret saying those things to him. It's just that he kind of left our group to be with another guy. It's not like they're dating and we're homophobic. They're just friends. And we got a little mad so we just wanted to... I don't know. The reason I came up to you is that I'm a huge fan and I hate the fact that you might be upset with me. And I'm sorry." I said. I was blushing and practically a mess. I felt embarrassed.

He stayed silent for a while, kind of looking shocked but then took that look off his face. "Louis, right?" He said and I practically melted when he said my name. "I think it's awesome that you came up to me and apologized. You came off like some mean popular guy in a movie or a book but you're cool now." He said. "So how did you find me? Your not that kind of fan that stalks me, right?" He said laughing, picking up a box of spaghetti.

"Haha. No, I was just going through the isles and picking up some things my mom wanted me to pick up. Then I ran into you." I said walking by his side. I can't believe I'm walking beside Harry Styles! Wow. I sound like a fangirl.

We talked a bit more and we picked up what we needed. Harry and I made our way to the cashier to check out the things we had picked up. And he waited for me! He waited for me to buy my things. Even offered to pay. Ugh, I'm gonna have dreams about this day.

Don't judge.

When we made it outside He walked me to my car. It felt like a dream.

I was in a (safe) daze on my drive back to my house. I just couldn't believe I hung out with Harry today. It might've only been 20 minutes but it was the best 20 minutes of my life.

I carried the groceries inside into the kitchen. My mom then kicked me out since I almost burned the kitchen down one time.

I went up to my room and thought about what the heck just happened. It doesn't seem to go through my brain that I just had a conversation with the love of my life.

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