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So I think I wanted to originally write this about Noah, but then I realized I should write it from anybody's point of view about their hun, because I know what it's like to just not be able to deal with things in the middle of class or your job but you can't leave. So this I wrote while he was sitting right next to me, and not gonna lie, a lump was in MY throat.

It had finally gotten to be too much. All my feelings, bottled up inside the way I'd always done it, hadn't been enough this time. I could conceal my internal implosion, but I couldn't do that for long; I had to get away from everybody...

"Sir, may I go to the bathroom?" My voice shook slightly as I spoke, and the moment I heard his mumble of approval, I lept from my chair, breaking towards the door with as the feelings in my mind began to manifest themselves in my body. I struggled to hold back the tears and they finally burst out in a gut wrenching sob as I pushed through the door.

Running to the bathroom just down the hall, I tried to catch my breath as I shoved the door, only to find that it was locked. My tears started anew as I realized I had no sanctuary, and I fell against the wall beside the door, no longer caring about the person probably listening to my sobs behind the door.

I tried desperately to calm myself, and failed. Suddenly, in the midst of my weeping, I heard pounding footsteps on the linoleum. I stood, hoping they wouldn't see me so vulnerable. I wiped at my eyes, wishing away the puffiness under them and the sniffles from my nose. And around the corner he came.

He was always there, in the back of my mind. I had pushed the idea that he cared about me into the back of my mind, knowing it was a fantasy and burying the feelings I'd felt blossoming for him in the bottom of my being. I stood against the wall, trying to keep my composure, and he finally stood in front of me, placing his hands on my shoulders. "Hey, are you okay?"

I couldn't bring myself to look away from his right arm. He was touching me...and he cared enough to chase me out of the room. I couldn't look at him. If I did, I would just tear up again. Instead, I closed my eyes and swallowed, hoping the lump in my throat would disappear. It didn't.

"Hey, look at me."

I shook my head and bit my lip. I couldn't accept anything he was offering, he was too kind and I didn't need it--couldn't take it.

"No, I need you to look at me."

I opened my eyes with another sob. They immediately locked on his, and I got the chance to notice the concern in his gorgeous eyes before I couldn't handle it. I bowed my head and gasped, letting my tears flow freely now. I had nothing to hide anymore.

"Hey, no, please."

Before I knew what was happening, he'd moved his hands from my shoulders to the sides of my face, bringing me back up to look at him. I took in a shivering breath, biting my lip painfully to stop the tears. His brow was furrowed, and those eyes were searching mine. For what...?

"Why are you crying?"

I opened my mouth to reply, but I couldn't through the tears. I just shook my head and tried to fight the hands on my face and return my gaze to the ground. I couldn't actually be crying; there were people out there with much worse lives than me. I shouldn't be whining so much...But it was so important to me. I had no reason other than my own goddamn pride, and now here I was, crying in the middle of the school day.

Without a word, he brought me to his chest and wrapped an arm around me, resting his chin on the top of my head. I couldn't do it anymore; I just couldn't. He was so kind, and I was so childish and naive. I tried to stop crying, tried to keep the tears in so I wouldn't stain his shirt, but he held me tight, and it made the ball in my stomach tighten until I broke completely. I felt my legs turn to jelly and I fell against him a little, and he supported me completely, keeping me held against him as we came to sit on the ground. My gasps were loud and echoed in the empty hallway. I heard the occasional, reassuring 'sshhh...' from him, and I let myself cry.

After a few moments, I realized I was out of tears. I pulled away, and his arms slid from me. He rested them on his lap and stared at me, and I wiped at my face with the sleeve of my jacket. I must look like a mess...

"Are you okay?"

I swallowed and nodded, standing quickly. I cleared my throat, hoping my voice wouldn't crack as I said, "Erm, th--thank you, for..." I trailed off, hoping the nod I decided to end the sentence with would suffice. But as I turned to head around to the other side of the building, to the other bathroom, he grabbed my wrist. I turned back, and he frowned at me. "Are you sure?"

I'd been wondering about that question myself.

Okay, so I didn't know how I was gonna finish, so if this is okay, tell me, but I'm not sure. And is it anon enough? I feel like I was writing a bit too much about Noah...either way, tell me if you like it, and remember, I'm definitely taking requests on what to write here! Anything at all that you want to see in writing, just tell me your idea and I'll see what I can do :D As always:

--blurghtastic can play that song, and says WE CAN MAKE THE WORLD STOP

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