It what about 3 o'clock in the morning when I realized I was sitting on the floor next to a broken lamp and the spilled can of beer. Then suddenly someone knocks on the door and asked if was anyone home. I being the unintelligent person that i pretends to be said one's in.
Not realizing that outside of the door was the police. Who were ready to take me to a place I did not want to go. This was only because a crime had occurred that night round about my residence. But little did I know they had a warrant for my arrest.
That's when thing began to become very Sirius. The cops give me a five second countdown before they come bursting through the door like as if i really did something wrong. As they are counting down I can hear them outside of the door. I am planning my Xscape 5....... The first cop yells. I Don't know what am I going to do. I didn't do anything so I don't understand why I'm being arrested 4.......... Said the same cop. This is becoming too intense for me. Then i told myself its time to go 3........ 2......... 1....... Where coming in they yell. But as soon as they came in.Like any half sober human being I tried to get up as quickly as possible and run. But I should have known from watching a series of television shows that.....that never works and they always get caught. I've been sitting in the back of the squad car for about a half hour and I'm thinking to myself what could I have done to have gotten arrested.
This led me to suspicion I started asking myself questions such as what happened last night? Why am I being arrested? Am I really this criminal that I'm currently oppose As? And then that's when the craziest thing happened.

The Suspect
Mystery / ThrillerLets just get right into this...... I'm not going to tell you anything about this book because I want your suspicions arise