What If...

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Dean frantically looks in the rearview mirror of the Impala. "Hold on, Cas! We're almost there!" He hears only a faint groan in response. "Just hold on!"
He presses down on the gas pedal, flooring it. He grabs his cell phone. "Sam! Where are you?"
On the other line, Sam replies, "I'm at Bobby's... Dean, what's wrong?"
Dean glances back at Cas. "A demon shot Cas... But something's wrong! It isn't healing like it should!"
Sam nods. "All right. You're coming here, right?"
Dean yells, "Of course I am! Where else would I go?!"
Sam leans away from the phone. "Dean, I can't help you if you yell-"
"How far away are you?"
"Too far."
"Pull over."
Dean lifts his foot off the gas and wrenches the wheel to the right. He slams his door and runs to the back. "What do I do?"
Sam has a medical manual open in front of him. "Ummm... Have you stopped the bleeding?"
Dean looks at the dark stain on Cas's shirt. "I did, but it looks like it started again." He grabs a towel, dropping his phone on the seat. "Come on, Cas, don't you dare die on me now!" He presses the towel to the wound and says to the phone, "The bullet hit right next to his heart. Sam, it's bleeding too much, I don't think I can save him!" Under his breath, he whispers, "please please I've never needed anything more than now if there really is a god then FUCKING PROVE IT TO ME!"
A bright flash of white light nearly blinds him. Michael appears next to the Impala. "Dean."
Dean stares. "Holy shit, it worked..."
Michael looks down at Dean. "I can save him."
Dean gazes up at the angel, tears in his eyes. "Please, I'll do anything..."
Michael crouches down and grips Dean's chin in his hand. "Will you be my vessel?"
In the car, Cas tries to sit up. "Dean, no..." He falls back with a groan.
Dean glances at his angel, his one true love, his husband. "Yes."

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