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Before you guys read the chapter, I have already told you once that Celestine will not go back to Heath easily and I am saying that again. Don't forget it. Even while reading this chapter.

Please play the song while reading the chapter, it's suits well.

Heath King's POV

Pain. That's all I have been feeling from the past three weeks. Where? My heart. The is so much that it's unbearable. Leaving the person that I love most, in the arms of the man that she is about to marry, is a feeling that can never be described. It's like accepting the defeat. Accepting that I lost her. Accepting the fact that I will never have her back in my arms like I once did.

I came back loosing her, loosing my love, meaning.... Loosing everything. Without her, this house and all the wealth that I have doesn't make sense. Maybe because I want to share everything with her. But she is not here anymore. I can't accept the thought and bear it that she is never coming back to me.

Is this how she felt when I left her? I can't even imagine how she felt when I asked her for divorce. I was so cruel to her. I deserve this. I made her cry and for every tear drop that came out of her eye because of me. I am paying for them now. I truly deserve this for making her go through all that suffering and pain that I put her through.

I am just left with her memories. Our date, the carnival and the time we spent. I cherish them with all my heart. Those seven days are the most precious ones of my life. They keep rewinding in my mind again and again. Whenever I think of those memories and happy smile crosses over my lips without my consent.

Right now, I am sitting in the garden where we had breakfast the morning she left. There are two coffee cups in front of me. One for me and one for her. Although she is not there, having another cup in front me at least reminds me of her. My head is hurting from the hangover. I didn't know how much I drank last night, but I am thankful that one of my friends brought me home without any media seeing me.

In my heart, I decided that I will not stop trying till I have the chance of having her back. I send her roses everyday with my phone number. How stupid of me to not give her my number before leaving? I hope everyday that she will call me or at least a blank message or some signal from her in anyway possible, I will whisk her away from everything. But I never received a call.

Feeling wetness on my cheek, I put my hand there and felt my tears. I didn't realize that I am crying till I touch them. This is how it has been since she left.

I am holding a diamond frame with her image in it. She is looking so beautiful while smiling at the camera. Her eyes twinkling and her dark brown hair blowing in air. I bought this frame for this picture itself. The diamonds around the frame are real ones. Putting her picture in it only make the frame more beautiful. Her eyes always reflect her soul. They never lie and hide anything.

I took a lot of pictures of her in that week that we spent together. In the island, at Pairs, at my parents house, in plane, the time we went to carnival, when she slept in my house. She is just like an Angel even when she sleeps. But the thing is, she never knew I took them. I know she will allow to take a picture. That's why I took them all secretively.

I filled our whole room with her pictures and our wedding pictures. I may sound crazy, but I don't know what else to do. I just cannot move on from her. I just can't. There is no one else to blame but me. It's all my mistake. It's all my doing. My eyes fall back on the picture of her beautiful face. My hand went to the picture as my fingers ran through her cheek on the glass, imagining she is here really.

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