Chapter 8: iGender Reveal

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Sam's POV

February 2013

It's been a month since Freddie and I met Fletcher and Kelsey. We've actually bonded. They have become great friends to Freddie, Spencer, Carly, and I. It's strange how I have been able to bond with them, I mean, I'm not a person who talks to just everybody. I've always been picky when it came to friends. I don't know why I'm so exclusive. I'm not snobby. Either I consider you a close friend or just an acquaintance. But, Fletcher and Kelsey...I don't know what it is about those two. Although, I have a feeling Freddie and I have made some new life-long friends through Fletcher and Kelsey.

At my last OB/GYN appointment, Freddie and I FINALLY got to hear the baby's heartbeat. Dr. Hurst said that the baby's heart rate was normal. Freddie and I were relieved.

Two Months Later...

March 2013

I no longer fit into any of my old clothes. Freddie took me on a shopping spree the day after he found out my clothes were starting to get tight. I hate the idea that he bought all of the maternity clothes... I hate that I can't financially support the baby.

Also, Freddie and I finally let it slip out at school that we were expecting. I was in the middle of one of my mood swing fits when I yelled: "Freddie, will you shut up?! The baby and I are fine!" Then, that gank Valerie went and posted it on Splashface. That's not the worst of it. She posted it on iCarly's Splashface page. Everyone knows. Lexi, Shannon, Kathy, Shane, Brad, and Pete defriended us on Splashface and won't speak to us at school. But, Freddie and I don't care. We have friends. Fletcher and Kelsey. We have our families. Spencer, Carly, Freddie's Mother, my Mother, Melanie. I don't need anyone else to make me happy. I'm happy with what I have. And that's what counts.

Today, Freddie and I go to find out what gender our baby is. I'm hoping that it is a boy. I'm still not as girlie-girl as Carly. So, a boy just seems like it would be easier for me to raise. Freddie is hoping for a girl. My mother, Mrs. Benson, Spencer and Carly are coming along to the appointment with us also.

Freddie's POV

Sam, Carly, Spencer, my mother, and Mrs. Puckett arrived at the doctor's office. Mom and Mrs. Puckett were chatting like they where old friends (Which still weirds Sam and I out in SO MANY WAYS.). We were waiting to be called back to finally learn the gender of our baby. Which, I'm fairly certain it's a girl. Sam still swears and declares that it's going to be a boy. I have a feeling she's going to have a rude awakening during the appointment.

We haven't told anyone else this, but, Sam and I made a bet about the baby's gender. If she wins, I have to do baby duty at night for three months straight. If I win, I get to sleep all night while she does baby duty for three months straight. Now, we have already agreed that the bet will not take effect until the baby is three months old, because, the first three months we have the baby, we are going to sleep in shifts. We have it all worked out.

We haven't even started planning the wedding yet... However, that will change this afternoon. Carly and Spencer would be coming over after we get home to start on it. Then, tonight, we are making a gender reveal video to put on iCarly's Splashface page for all of the fans following Sam's pregnancy. I was going through today's agenda in my head.

"Come on, Freddie..." Sam told me as she slapped my shoulder to awaken me from my thoughts.

I got up and followed Sam to our regular appointment room.

Sam's POV

I laid down on the bed – or whatever they call those bed-like things in doctors offices. I'm jittery, or am I giddy? Anyway, I have never been as excited as I am today! I'm ready to rub it in Freddie's face that it's a boy, because he's insisting that it's a girl! And then, I get to sleep ALL night while he tends to the baby. Ha!

Dr. Hurst came in and squirted the cold gel on my stomach.

"Are you ready to know the gender of your baby?" She asked me as I grinned ear to ear. I nodded excitedly as the T.V. on the other side of the room came to life. She glided the wand around on my growing stomach.

"Let me ask one more time. Are you sure you want to know the gender of your baby?" She asked glancing at me and Freddie.

"Yes! Just tell be already!" I was getting impatient!

"Well, from what I can see you are having a..." She paused to annoy me...

Freddie's POV

"Oh. Wait a minute. Let me find it again. The baby is moving a lot this time. Maybe the baby doesn't wait you to know, Samantha." Dr. Hurst chuckled as she wiggled the wand against Sam's growing belly.

"Nope. That's a foot..." She continued to moved the wand around. "Ah-ha! Got it!" She froze the image and went over to the screen.

"From the look of things, you're having a BOY." She informed us as she pointed out the baby's nether regions on the monitor. When Dr. Hurst wasn't looking, Sam shot me this look that said, "I told you so!"

"I'm going to go get your pictures and then you can be on your way." Dr. Hurst announced as she left the room with her clip board.

"Well, looks like I'll be getting three full months of sleep while you're on baby duty, Benson." She gave me that sly smile. She tricked me again...

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