Chapter 7: Under the mask...

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(Warning there may be spelling errors!)
(You have been warned!!!)
Rose's POV
(P.s Kabuto put Rose in the hospital)

'Where am I?' I asked my self. 'All I see is white'

"Look she's awake!" Someone said.

I lean up, and realized I was at the Hospital.

"Rose are you ok?" Naruto asked.

"Hm? Oh ya... I guess. How long was I out?"

"About a week. Give or take." Kakashi sensei said.

"Oh. where's duck butt?"

"Sasuke's next door." Sakura said.


"Because he got hurt during the attack. me Naruto, shikamaru, and him all went after Gaara." Naruto said.


After I got out of the Hospital, Naruto wanted us to see to what Kakashi sensei's face looked like. So here where are spying on him.

"Get down!" Sasuke yelled/ whispered.

"Guys I have an idea. Lets buy ramen for him." Sakura said.

"Nice thinking. He'll have to take it off to eat." Sasuke said

"No dibs sherlock." I said

"Haha." Naruto laughed

"Shut up dope. Hn."

"Whatever lets just go." I said.

As we where waiting for the ramen Sensei thought it was a prank, like snow falling on his head. The others where nerves while I just sat there eating my ramen. Just when he was about to pull down his mask, Ino, Shika, and Choji came barging in blocking our view. But by the time we got them out he was done and had his mask back on. We locked at the cook and his daughter, they both where blushing and staring at Kakashi.

"Now I'm curious!" Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura all yelled.

Later that day I bumped into sensei while I was walking around. "Hey Kakashi sensei."

"Hello Rose."

" I have a question?"

"Ok what is it?"

"Well can we go to your place?"

"Sure, why not."

~At Kakashi's place~

"So what did you want to ask?"

"I was wondering if I could see what you look like without your mask or headband on."

"Um... why?"

"Because I don't want to keep on trying to see what you look like, like Naruto and them."

"Well ok since you asked."

And with that I got to see his face. It was beautiful, If he wasn't my sensei or if I was a year younger then him. Man would I go out with him. I mean he is HOT! No wait he's SEXY! He looks like an angle! Right before he put it back on I took a photo of him. And then went back to staring. I think I was drooling and blushing a little bit.

"Kakashi sensei?"


"When you where around our age did you have fan girls?"

"Well... yes but it wasn't because of my face. I always wore it, so they could like me not for my looks but for who I am."

"Oh, I see. Hey you might want to wear another mask behind that one. so when they do ask what's under your mask just say and show them it's another mask. Know that would be really funny to see how they react. Hehehe."

"Good idea Rose. Um but Rose can you delete that photo of me?"

"Nope! But don't worry I wont show anybody with out your permission... or when your dead." I said the last part fast.

"Ok, well you better get packing for our mission."

"Ok, bye Kakashi sensei!" I said with a wave jumping out of his window.

As I saw the rest of my team, they where all sitting down talking about their next "plan" .

"Hey Rose! Come over here." Naruto said. "Ok so we're going to..." But before he could finish I interrupted him.

"It's ok I don't need to see his face. I'v already seen it."

"WHAT! WHAT DID HE LOOK LIKE!" they asked/ yelled.

"Well it was a while ago, but if I can remember correctly. I think he has blimp lips...or was it a tiny mouth... No It was buck teeth... or, hmmm........ Wait, I got it! He had a goatee with a big scar on his nose to his mouth, bold lips, a butt chin, plus decent sizes buck teeth, and a wort as big as my thumb."

"Really?! Rose is that true!" Naruto asked

"I think that's what he looks like but I'm not sure. Sorry Naruto It was a long time ago."

"It's ok we'll just keep on trying! Believe it!"


A/N; Hey thx 4 reading this was just a filler. 

Let try to get 3 likes/votes and 5 comments for the next chapter.

Easy right? Of course it is!

Keep reading and eat Ramen

~ JH Sapphire 

Originally published: 6/22/2016

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