"That was a really good movie" Alyssa said getting out of Elijah's bed and walking across the hall back into her room and putting on some clothes she grabbed a black jumpsuit and a pair of white converse
"Alyssa I have something to tell you" Elijah said, he was standing in the door way
"What is it?" She asked gently
"She's coming for you, I mean you're aunt Lilth and she isn't going to stop till she finds you and takes you back to our home dimension" Elijah mumbled
"You'll protect me though, won't you" Alyssa asked worriedly
"Of course" Elijah replied walking in and hugging Alyssa, they hugged for a minute then they walked into the living room "what do you want to today" Alyssa asked
"Let's just have a day at home" Elijah replied
Home,Alyssa thought less than 48 hours ago she had left the only home she had ever known and now she had a boyfriend and a new home.
"Sounds great" she replied walking into the kitchen and pulling a packet of Doritos out the cupboard, she wandered back into the living and snuggled down on the sofa next to Elijah "what do you want to watch" he asked putting his arm around her
"Let's watch the vampire diaries" she replied
Elijah sighed and picked the T.V remote and put the vampire diaries on.
Alyssa smiled cheekily "I love you" she whispered in his ear.

General FictionLong ago Angels ruled the earth, some of them bred with demons the beings they created were called fallen angels they were half demon half Angel beings of immense power and beauty