You and your daughter were so excited you get to see your husband,Xiumin for the frist time in 3 months due to the fact he was filming scenes for a movie he'll be starring in.You took your five year old daughter to the that bathroom and put her in the tub for a bubble bath.You both splashed bubbles at each other and played with the toys. Even creating a movie with a colorful tugboat and an amazing yellow rubber ducky.After about 25 minutes of bathing her you dried her ofr and helped her put on her clothes. She then sat on the kiddy table and began drawing. On instinct you went out and then came back and left some snacks on the table. You quickly told her that you were as well going to take a shower for Xuimin's arrival. She simply nodded and went back to drawing. You quickly showered and got dressed . You wore simple light washed jeans and a stripped shirt and a light trench coat. you dried your hair with a towel while waking down the corridor to your daughters room. " You ready to to go see your Appa, Mina?" "Yes Umma." she said heading towards the front door. You helped her put on her shoes and then put on yours.You locked the door and went to the car putting Mina into her carseat. After that the both of you headed to the airport.
Xiumin walked aimlessly through the crowd of people he just got off the plane with.He smiled when he spotted the both of you. You fell into a nap while your daughter stood on the chair next you, her head moving side to side looking everywhere trying look for him.She finally gave up and sat down pouting and folded here arms staring at the floor. Xiumin witnessing all of that, chuckled and then pulled his cap down a little.A stranger then suddenly crouched down near Mina which slightly startled her, she tried to see the stranger's face but he was looking at the floor and his cap was covering his face. Suddenly he spoke "Whats wrong little one?Can't seem to find someone." he said looking up at her, raising the cap up just a little and then standing up. "Appa!!" she shouted, quickly standing on the chair and jumped on him for a big hug. Xiumin automatically hugged back." Sshh your umma is sleeping." Xiumin said putting a finger over his mouth then pointing at you. She covers her face with her small hands "Minahae" she says trying to conceal her giggles from seeing you fast asleep. Xiumin giggles in return and kisses her on the forehead." I miss you guys so much."
He sets Mina down on the chair next to you and puts his backpack down, wondering how is he going to carry you home. Finally he decided on caring you on his back but that left his backpack and Mina. Mina saw Xiumin struggle and gave a suggestion" Appa why don't you carry your backpack on your belly?" He stared at the backpack then at Mina "Your a genius princess." He said as another idea sparked in his mind. He unzipped his backpack then took out at scraf and tied it to one of the backpack straps.Mina looked at her father in such confusion. Xiumin looked at your sleeping figure then at Mina and then at his backpack with the scarf tied on to it,rethinking if his plan is going to work. After a few minutes of debating he took the backpack and put the strapes on his shoulders making the backpack rest on his stomach. He then crouched down and carefully rearranged you so that he can comfortably carry you on his back,on instinct you wrapped you arms around his neck and he held you legs. He then told your daughter to hold on to the end the scarf.She giggled "Appa you look pregent wearing your backpack like that." "I know I look funny but the faster we can get out of the airport and into a taxi the less likely there will be paparazzi who can take pictures of me looking so ridiculous.So do your Appa a favor and hold the end of the scarf so I don't lose you in the crowds."he said pleading. "Okay Appa" she said grabbing the end of the scarf wrapping it around he hand."Kaja!" screamed Xiumin.
"Kaja!!"replied Mina with her sweet five yeah old voice, pointing at the sky. All of you started walking towards the exit-well the exception with you of course.
You woke up and saw the messy sheets on Xiumin side of the bed. You yawned and got up still groggy from the early morning. You head towards the living room and expected to hear the sound of small feet running around followed by the sound of bigger feet chasing them. Surprisingly you saw your husband causally sitting on the couch and writing down plans he'll have with Exo and agents on his acting career."Where Mina?"
"I took her to school already."
"I made you some coffee,its on the dinning table"
"Ahh your the best" you said kissing his head,then heading towards the kitchen. You grabbed the mug and headed back in the living room,Xiumin still writing on his planner.You got upset he wasn't paying much attention to you after not seeing each other for 3 months. You grabbed the pen out of his hand and placed it further away from him. "Can we just watch T.V. and cuddle for a bit?"
"Sure" he saig chuckling at the jealousy he was sensing from you.He got the control from the coffee table and turned on the t.v. It turn on to the news:"One todays news.."said the achorman "a picture of a celebrity coming back home from filming has gone viral."
This sparked both your guys interest and decided to leave it. You cuddled into his chest.Both wondering what celebrity will it be... maybe an American actor?
Kim Minseok or better known as Xiumin one of members of Exo was spotted yesterday evening arriving from the airport after filming for a movie.There awaited his wife, who took a nap and their daughter wide awake for him.What happend next after that sent the internet into a frenzy.
You took a quick glance at Xiumin who causally sipped some coffee 'What the hell did my husband do while I was asleep?' you thought and looked back at the screen.
'Xiumin being a gentleman didn't want to wake up his sleeping wife so he carried her on his back and then made a contraption using his backpack and a scarf so his daughter wouldn't get lost in the crowd since both his hands were busy holding onto his wife's legs.Then they inserted varies of pictures of yesterday evening. You looked at the screen unable to fathom the the fact that your husband went through all that trouble.
'Things like #relationshipgoals #Cute #Thatsreallove trending worldwide on Twitter....All I got to say that this was indeed
C-U-T-E' said the achorman before sending it off the weather man."Jagiya!!Why didn't you wake me up!"you said already feeling the heat rising in your cheeks. You quickly nuzzled into Xiumin chest embrassed on how much attention your family was getting and how almost everybody in world saw you sleeping.He just stroked your hair and kissed your head, smiling on how cute you were acting about all of this. "Its good to be home." he said resting his chin on your head "its good to be home."

Exo Imagines
FanfictionThis originally was only going to be one imagine about Baekhyun (the frist chapter) but then i was like why don't I show some love to the rest of the members.Thus a new Exo imagines book was made. hope you like it!