Chapter Fifteen:Dinner

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I called up a few people for dinner... mainly the people closest to me, my mom, dad, brother, other lads the girlfriends... you get my point. I could hardly wait to tell everyone the wonderful news!! I would get to spend the rest of my life with this great man. Once I finally got everyone called, i got dinner ready to cook for eveyone. Niall said he always loved it when i cooked... which i suppose he would be getting alot of it. I decided to make manicottis. I loved pasta dishes so it kinda just fit. It was 6:30 by time everyone had showed up, dinner would be ready by 7, so everyone sat quietly waiting at the table until i brought the food it. Niall brought in red wine to everyone then came back into the kitchen to help me serve. We gave eachother a peck on the lips, "you ready?" he said in a whisper. "it's now or never!" i answered back. We got everything onto the table and filled our plates, then i finally spoke. "well hello everyone! how is everybody doing tonight?" "good, great, fine, wonderful" everyone blurted out. i sipped my wine then spoke again. Niall and i were holding hands tightly under the table, then i bumped his leg signaling to stand up. "Well we have some wonderful news for you all tonight!" we smiled. "WE ARE ENGAGED!!!!" we practically screamed and kissed. My mother was the first to speak up, "darling that is wonderful news, i am so happy for you both!" "thank you, we haven't set a date yet, but hopefully we will know soon!" Everyone else said something nice and congradulated us. Once dinner was over we both stood up and hugged everyone then went into our own small groups, Niall and the the other men, and me and the women. "This is so exciting Keely!" Becca had said. "we are so going dress shopping together, and finding the perfect dress for you, NIall will drop his jaw when he sees you, he definitely didn't make a mistake deciding that you were right for him, your wedding will be perfect!" All the ladies had said and agreed. I knew that everything was going the way that it should be! 

(Niall's P.O.V)                                                                                                                                                                   The guys were so happy for us, it was making me more and more excited for this wedding. It was truly wonderful how supportive they were being to us. "I'm glad you did it," Harry whispered to me. "i am too it feels like the perfect thing to do." i answered back. "Oh, and Keely and i have some more news," i said above all of the talking. 'We are going to move in together tomorrow." Her parents looked shocked... it was kind of a big surprise to them, she had been living with them her whole life, they were just in shock of how fast their little girl was growing up. Everyone left and then we were by ourselves again. "So were moving in together tomorrow yeah?" she asked. I bet that my face turned red as a tomoato, "well yes we are!" "am i moving here?" "nope. Ill meet you in the car." "okay." she said with a grin on her face. I drove quite a few miles and then we got there. Her face was shinging from ear to ear when she saw it. " i hope it"s not too much?" i chuckled. "Of course not! Niall it really is perfect" she started tearing up. All that was at the new place was the appliances, so we had to stay at the flat for one more night.

well i am so sorry for no update in ages... i am a sucky author now... i truly apologize... and i have had writers block...and ive been busy with sports, i had no internet... well whatever im bot gonna carry on with 101 reasons keely didnt write... but i wrote a longer one for your wait... oh... and im gonna change the accident... so whatever chapter that was on... you might wanna check it in a few days cuz it will be different and i dont wanna throw you off so keep checking my message board telling you to check blah blah chapter.....if you dont its ur own fault... pray for my ankle too!!!..p.s. pic is the house they got!  gtg Kel!! 

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