Rewritten Chapter 1

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A/N: I apologize for the wait. I had intended for the rewrite to be out August 1. This whole summer has been pack, unpack, repack, repeat. Between vacations, college visits, and school responsibilities, I have not found the time to update. So it's August 3 and I'm writing this in a hotel room late at night.

A/N: It is now August 23 and I'm writing this because I can't sleep again. But hey, it's still August.

A/N: You're probably sick of these author's notes but I finished getting this fanfic together. Who knew getting an hour of sleep and having a really scary nightmare would get me to update?

No one ever expected Lord Voldemort and Bellatrix Lestrange to sleep together. No one ever expected Bellatrix to get pregnant. They sure didn't expect her to keep the baby. At least the bloodtraitors and mudbloods didn't. The purebloods believed children were a gift.

No one ever expected the two of fall in love. Hell, no one even thought they were capable of love. And Merlin, no one expected Rodolphus, Bellatrix's husband, to be okay with the relationship.

Harrison Andrew Riddle was born first on July 30 at 11:59, but the nurse recorded the time as midnight of July 31. Hermione Thorn Riddle came out around 1am on July 31. This hour was enough time for another woman to give birth.

Lily Potter was having a rough pregnancy. She was not due until mid August. However, the healers said she needed to give birth now or she and the baby would not make it. Harry James Potter was born at 12:30am on July 31.

James Potter knew Bellatrix Lestrange was also at St Mungo's giving birth. He was unprepared when he went in to see his son. He was stillborn, but the Lestrange spawn was healthy. James changed the memory of the healer and claimed the Lestrange spawn as his.

Albus Dumbledore was a man of many titles. He had strategically planned those titles so he could shape the Wizarding world to fit his plans. As the leader of the light, he needed to prevent dark children.

Hermione Thorn Riddle and Harrison Andrew Riddle stood in the way of his plans. If they were raised by their parents, they would become powerful and would defeat him.

Albus Dumbledore was a schemer so he had a brilliant plan. James had already taken care of the boy. Albus had many muggle contacts and one of the couples was looking to adopt a baby girl. The Riddle girl was abandoned on their doorstep.

Bellatrix and Voldemort went crazy looking for their children. A year later, they found two possible places for Harrison- the Potters and the Longbottoms.

Voldemort killed James Potter and his mudblood wife. His son was laying in the crib. He had found his son!

'Kill your son.'

Voldemort was unable to fight off the Imperius that had been placed on him and a green curse struck his son. A lightning bolt rune appeared on Harrison's forehead before the curse rebounded onto Voldemort. His spirit fled while a man with a long beard and horrible fashion sense modified Harrison's memory. The Slytherin family magics had worked. A heir could not be killed while under the Imperius curse.

Dumbledore was very pleased. He had Harry, the Boy-Who-Lived, under his thumb for when Voldemort return. He sent the boy off to Lily's muggle sister that hated magic. He was a dark wizard, he needed the dark magic beat out of him.

Harry was put on the doorstep of his 'aunt' and 'uncle.' The Lestranges and many other death eaters were locked up in Azkaban. Sirius Black, a friend of James and Lily, was framed for their murders. He was in the high security cells near the imprisoned death eaters.

No wizard or witch would know the truth for years except Albus Dumbledore. But he would never tell and he had enough influence so no one would be any wiser.

Dumbledore had all of magical Britain and some countries in Europe wrapped around his fingers. Anyone who threatened his power was considered dark and disposed of. He was the king and the world was his pawns.
A/N: I know right, it's October and I promised August. I did not expect to be so busy with homework. I also didn't realize that I am taking 3 honors classes, 3 college level courses, and one regular class that has more homework than honors.

I'm honestly so happy I decided not to work on costume crew for my school's fall musical. I barely have any free time.

I'm also dead from last night because of homecoming. It was insane and we almost got kicked out of Buffalo Wild Wings at 12am. Also, a random used pad appeared on the dance floor between our crazy "Turn Down for What" and our only slow song of the night, "Lost Boy."

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