Chapter 8: In The Deserts Of Orre

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As Vincent is coming to his consciousness, he is roused by a voice over the loudspeaker. Though he is unable to distinguish what it says at first, until he is shaken awake by someone. He slowly opens his eyes, partially disoriented as he hears a male voice call his name.

"Vincent, wake up already! We're gonna miss the port!"

He blinks, staring at the figure curiously, until he realizes it to be James, and jumps up. "The port? Oh right, Gateon. Umm..."

The voice over the loudspeaker chimes again. "I repeat, we will be arriving at Gateon port in ten minutes. There will be a one hour layover before we set sail to Tangelo Island. Please make any preparations you need while we are docked. For those of you leaving, we hope you enjoy the region of Orre."

James goes to his bed and picks up his bag next to it. "I'm sure you don't want to wind up in the Orange Islands, now hurry."

Vincent grunts and rubs his eyes, looking over at Larisa. "...I wouldn't mind visiting Shamouti someday." He puts his hand on the Latias, stroking her neck lightly, getting a small purr in response. He smiles, and speaks softly.

"Larisa? Are you awake?"

She whines a little and shifts. "Not now Lasuno... Gimme more time..."

Vincent blinks, then chuckles a bit and continues stroking her neck. "Larisa, it's me."

After a bit, she opens her eyes partially. "Vincent..?"

He nods. "Yes, Vincent. Did you forget where we were already?"

She lightly huffs. "Of course not. We're... on a ship. Right?"

"No, we're in Slateport. I had to carry you to the hotel when we docked."

Larisa jumps up and looks around. "Where!?"

James looks at her and scoffs. "Not quite. We're nearing Gateon Port. We'll have to get off in a few minutes."

She sighs and closes her eyes. "Phew... I thought I overslept."

Vincent smiles and pats her head. "Not so much. But we need to hurry."

She looks at him, then nudges his shoulder. "Meanie..."

He blinks, then quietly chuckles and gets up, hugging her. "I'm sorry."

She pouts, but then makes a small coo in response, just before a knock is heard at the door. They all look, and Vincent calls out. "Come in."

As it opens, Lou is seen standing outside, carrying a small shoulder bag, and he walks in. "Are you ready to go?"

Vincent nods and gathers up his bag and other items. "Just about. Sorry to keep you waiting."

He nods and looks at James, who nods to him in assurance. "We'll be right out."

"Very well. I'll be at the bridge." He looks back at Vincent for a moment, then walks out and down the hall. After a minute, the three are ready and leave the room, going to the bridge to meet with him. When they arrive, they turn in their cards and get off the ship."

As they all get to the dock, James looks around. The port is rather large, appearing to have several commercial buildings including shops, resturants and other convenient places. And beyond these areas, where the paved plaza ends, is a wide expanse of barren desert, going as far as they can see.

"...They weren't joking when they said it was nothing but dirt. How does anyone survive that?"

Lou goes to a nearby stand and takes a pamphlet, reading through it. "They don't. There are various tour vehicles they take around the region. And those rich enough afford their own."

James looks at him, then takes a drink from his water bottle. "Huh. Wonder when the next bus comes then?"

Vincent looks around the area, taking a few steps before resting his hand on a rail. He starts to ponder how they'll get around, since taking a tour bus isn't exactly the quickest and safest way to get where they'd need to be. He leans back against the rail, in thought, before he suddenly gets a surge through his head and winces. The others look at him, noticing him cringing, and James runs over.

"Hey! Vincent, are you okay?"

His eyes shut tightly, he takes little notice to James' call, as a vision runs through his mind...

Two men in pale blue cloaks walk along the dock, having departed from a large ship with a rather peculiar label on the side, inscribed in a different language. They speak to the occasional individuals they pass by, gathering different information about the area, until they come to an outside food stand. The two speak to the server for a few moments before one of them notices someone watching them from behind a distant signpost.

He nudges his partner and points at the man draped in red clothing, who quickly ducks back out of sight, and the two look at each other. They nod and then run off towards the ship, jumping the rail that Vincent is leaning against as the food server calls out to them, before the vision cuts out.

Vincent jumps away from the rail and yelps, panting as he looks back towards it.

James, who had ducked back to get out of his way, stares at him with concern. "...Vincent? What happened?"

Vincent looks back at James for a moment, before speaking again. "They're already here..."

James blinks and shakes his head. "Are you talking about Chora and Nero...?"

He nods. "There was a ship from Nero here earlier. Two people who got off it were wandering this place to get information when they noticed a man who looked to be of Chora descent spying on them. We may not have much time..."

James looks towards Lou, who is staring at them curiously. "How did you find this out?"

James shakes his head. "One of the abilities Vincent has is the Dimensional Scream... He can recall visions of the past and the future, related to certain things he touches."

Lou looks at Vincent for a moment, registering what James said, before speaking again. "The past and the future? How can you tell when it is?"

Vincent blinks at the question and James speaks up. "He can't. It just happens-" As he comes to realization of this, he looks back at Vincent. " random."

Vincent looks in thought. "...It could've been either one. I never really do know."

Lou nods slowly. "Then we might have time. If it was the future, we can still prepare."

James shakes his head again and takes a step forward. "But if it was the past, we may already be too late. We can't take the risk and just cruise on through. This is serious. We need to do what we can to make sure we make it. We can't waste time here."

Vincent nods and looks at Larisa, who is listening to them and growing concerned now.

"Come on then. Let's find a way to get through the desert first. We can't do anything without transportation."

James looks around for a bit, before speaking in a quieter voice. "I have an idea... Come on."

He runs off and the others follow him, Vincent becoming curious, yet somewhat suspicious at what he's thinking of doing."

As the four run through the port, they are glanced at by several people, taking notice of Larisa and talking amongst themselves about the Latias' impossible sighting in Orre. She looks around uncomfortably, then at Vincent. "Everyone's staring..."

Vincent looks around and sighs. "You're considered a legendary pokemon, Larisa... It'll happen a lot. You remember when people in Pallet first saw you."

The Latias shakes her head. "I wish I didn't... So many little kids were touching me..."

Vincent can't help but smile a bit at the thought, finding it somewhat funny. But his mind is pulled back to reality as James points ahead.

"There. That's where we're going."

Vincent looks ahead curiously. "A... motor vehicle lot? But how would you get one of these"

James rolls his eyes and stops outside the small building in the middle of a lot full of different vehicles. "I'm linked to Jack's bank account, I get a share of money. That's how."

"You're hardly even old enough to drive."

"But he's old enough." James points to Lou, who blinks and looks at him.

"Are you serious? I can't drive."

Vincent shakes his head. "He doesn't have a license either..."

James pulls his phone out and snaps a picture of Lou, then runs through different menus on it before giving it to Vincent. "You said?"

He looks at the phone, seeing Lou in the driving system, then stares at James.

"My brother's a hacker and a machine expert. You didn't think he could make something like this?"

Vincent folds his arms. "He's gonna wind up in jail eventually. Watch."

James scoffs and takes a small device out of his bag, then taps a few things on his phone and the device prints out a card, which he gives to Lou. "If they ever catch him. He's completely undetectable."

Lou takes the card and stares at him. "You're not really going through with this are you?"

"Look, Jack taught me how to drive his craft, I just never got validated. But he designed it just like a motorcycle. You just need to get one for me and I'll take it from there."

Lou shakes his head. "You people and your technology... In my time, that stuff didn't exist."

"You gonna give me a hard time? I'm just asking a little favor."

"Fine, fine! I'll do it." He walks to the building, and James looks at Vincent and shrugs. They both then follow him inside.

A middle aged man of medium height is walking around inside, talking to two people, before he sees the four enter and waves in greeting. He nods to the other two individuals and then walks over. "Hi, what can I do for you fellows, and your... rather interesting pokemon here?"

Larisa huffs and looks away, and Vincent pats her. James looks at her, then back at the man. "I'm getting my friend a present here. We're looking for a bike, preferrably with a trailer if possible."

The man nods and walks outside with them. "I believe we have a few left. They're quite popular among families who want to travel."

James nods and they walk over to the area where the motorcycles are parked. As they look over them, James asks, "Which is the cheapest here?"

The man walks over to a red one and puts his hand on the handlebar. "This one here is two thousand dollars, and it runs quite well out in that old desert. But I wouldn't recommend having a lot of people in the trailer. It would slow you down a lot."

James nods and looks it over for a moment, then back at Lou, who is standing somewhat awkwardly about the situation. He then looks back at the man. "We'll take it."

The man smiles and nods, before taking them back to the building and over to the main desk. "Can I see your license, sir?"

Lou blinks, and James nudges him, before he quickly puts the card on the desk. James then takes out another card and gives it to him, and he scans the two. After a moment, he gives both cards back and goes a cabinet, pulling out a keychain and giving it to Lou. "I hope you enjoy your new motorcycle, Mr. Ethelstan."

Lou shifts a bit and nods, before walking out with the others, and James pats his shoulder. "Was that so hard?"

Lou sighs and gives him the key. "Are we done here? We're wasting time, staying."

Vincent nods. "We should go now."

"Right. Let's go." James runs to the motorcycle and looks back at the building, seeing the man now preoccupied with the two customers he was talking to before. He then nods to the others and they climb into the trailer, and he gets on the seat in the front. After adjusting things, be puts the key in and starts it up, just in time to see the man look outside at them.

"Uhh... Okay, away we go!" He drives off and the man runs out of the building, shouting to them with words they can't hear as they leave the lot.

James looks at the mirror as he goes. "...Is he following us?"

Vincent looks back, then shakes his head, and James sighs.

"I think I painted a target on this thing. Let's get out of here before he sends someone after us."

Vincent slowly nods and sits back against the rail of the trailer. They soon leave the port and venture into the open desert, going towards the north.

- - - - -

"My leige, the army of Chora has been sighted near Phenac. What are your orders of action?"

"They are approaching with haste. Had their scout not come upon us, we would have more time to prepare. Send the first regiment to intercept them. We must stall them at least another day."

"Very well, my leige. I take my leave..."

- - - - -

"Hey... James? We should stop here."

James looks back at Vincent, who is looking around the area with concern. After a moment, he pulls over to a large boulder and stops, shuting off the motorcycle. He gets off and stretches, looking around.

Larisa is asleep in the trailer, laying on a blanket and covered with another. And Lou is leaned against his bag with his cloak over himself, asleep as well. Vincent looks at his phone, sees where they are, then puts it in his pocket and gets out of the trailer. "We'll be able to reach Agate Village by noon if we wake up and go straight off."

James nods and walks around for a bit, before pausing and turning towards the east. "Hey look... There's a river over there."

Vincent looks in the direction and blinks. "Yeah, there is... If it's what I think it is, we could actually follow that to Agate."

The two run over to it and stop at a ledge, overlooking the huge river that flows off to the south. It's hard to tell just how wide it is in the darkness of the night, but it's easy to tell this is the river that divides the western section of Orre from the rest of the region.

Vincent kneels down and puts his hand in the water, then jerks it out. And James looks at him with a smirk. "Cold?"

"Just a little... I suppose it's to be expected." He gets up and shivers a little. "Definitely a desert. Hot in the day and cold at night..."

James nods and walks back towards the motorcycle, and Vincent follows. As they get back, James pulls out a blanket from his bag and puts it over himself. He looks back at Vincent, who sits against the boulder. "Hey... Do you have another blanket. It's only going to get colder as it gets later."

Vincent shakes his head. "I'll be okay."

James stares at him, then pulls another blanket from his bag. "Come on, man. Don't be an idiot."

Vincent looks at him as he throws the blanket to him, and he catches it. "...Thanks."

James nods and goes to the boulder with his bag, setting it down and then laying down, using it as a pillow.

"You know, you're really nice for letting her use both of your blankets."

Vincent smiles a bit and covers himself, laying back against the boulder. "She's helped me through a lot. And she didn't even have to... She should have better than this."

James looks over to him for a bit. "...So should you. You didn't deserve what happened to you and your family."

He sighs and shakes his head. "What's happened has happened. It can't be changed, so you have to learn to accept it... It'll be okay though. We're strong..."

James turns back to look up at the sky. "I guess... That reminds me though. You chose the Time Crossing ability, if I remember right. Why? You never use it."

Vincent looks at the stars in thought. "...I feel I will need to at some point. I don't know, but I just get the strong feeling that it will come in use."

James nods slowly. "And the Dragon Taming? What's that about? Your family has a tradition of just that. Seems kind of redundant that you chose that as an ability, especially since it only works once."

Vincent shrugs and chuckles slightly. "I really don't know... I couldn't think of anything else. You took the Speedster ability I wanted."

James blinks and looks back at him. "What are you on about? You're one of the fastest moving people in the Council. I was just kidding when I called you slow before. Frankly, I'd need the Speedster just to keep up with you..."

Vincent sighs and shakes his head. "I guess. But it could've helped some."

James rolls his eyes and shifts a bit on the ground.

After a moment of silence, Vincent speaks again. "I've always wondered... where your brother gets the space to build all the things he does."

James smiles a bit. "There's a solitary island a ways from Cianwood our dad owned. It has a facility run by a computer called ATHER, that helped him with his projects. When he died, he passed the facility to Jack, since he took such an interest in what he did."

Vincent nods slowly. "I see... Why is it called ATHER?"

"Uhh... Active Terminal for Human Emulation and Realism, I think. It's artificial intelligence. Jack's still improving it, but it's quite an impressive piece of work. In fact an operating system based on it is what runs your phone."

Vincent looks at him curiously. "So Jack not only made the phone, but also designed its interface?"

James nods. "Yep. He could technically hack it from the facility if he really wanted to. But I doubt he ever would. No reason."

"...That's nice to know." Vincent rolls to his side and closes his eyes. "We should get some sleep... It'll be a long day tomorrow."

James looks at him, then stretches his arms and closes his own eyes. "Yeah... Goodnight, Vincent."

"Goodnight, James."

- - - - -

"You two have traveled quite a ways..."

The shadowy individual walks over to Vincent and James, looking down at them for a moment. "I've grown quite tired of living in this fake shell... It's time for a change."

He kneels down over James and puts his hand on his forehead, closing his eyes as it radiates black energy. James shifts uncomfortably in response, but doesn't wake up. And the individual opens his eyes again, standing up again. "The time will soon come for me to reclaim my body... You've controlled it for long enough... James."

He turns and walks off, a gust of wind blowing his black hood back, revealing his dark brown hair in a style very similar to that of James'. And immediately, he fades into the darkness, leaving the party alone.

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