Chapter 2

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No one liked us. Me and my best friends, everyone hated us. We're just "punk rockers" to them. They didn't understand why we wear ripped skinny jeans and band tees. They didn't understand why 30 million wristbands covered our arms; or, why our music was filled with guitar riffs, intense drum solos, and loud, crazy lyrics; or, why we quiff our hair or have frings. And honestly, we didn't know why either. It was just us. Everyone thought we did what we wanted and didn't respect authority. No one understood us; I guess that's why they hated us. But we don't care and never would. We didn't need anyone because we had each other. Me, Caleb, Mike, and Alex.

"Get up dude." a groggy voice mumbled to me. I groaned and ignored the voice pulling the cover over my head. 

"Get up, bro," the voice mumbled again but this time shaking me roughly. I groaned again and pushed him away weakly.

"Ky-leeee," Mike teased purposefully saying my name wrong.

"I told you stop calling me Ky-lee. Call me Kyle, you dumb fu-" My mom interrupted me before I could even get the whole word out.

"If you ever curse in here, I will snatch your lips off," she warned from down the hall.

"Sorry," I yawned, getting up and going to the closet. It was October 1st. I always hated October. We moved from Australia to the U.S. two years ago in October. We all left Australia because there were better educational opportunities for us here in the U.S. My friends got homesick for their moms during October, and Caleb believed that October was our "bad luck" month.

I walked out of me and Mike's room and into the bathroom down the hall. I took a glimpse into Alex and Caleb's room and saw them both sitting on their bed smiling widely at their phones. Even though their smiles were super broad, I could still see the sadness that was hidden behind their transparent, plastered smiles. I pondered on whether or not their moms were still able to see beyond their facade.

"Hi, mom," Caleb smiled to his mom through his phone. Alex was laughing wildly with his mom, clutching his stomach. I chuckled a little and continued to the bathroom feeling a little guilty as I watched my mom staggeringly make her way to the kitchen. I took a quick shower and quiffed my hair. Once I thought that my hair was perfect, there was a knock on the door,

"Hurry up, Kyle," Alex yelled from behind the door, "I got hair too."

"Alright, alright. Just a sec," I remarked swinging the bathroom door and rushing to my room with a towel around my waist. "Finally," he laughed entering right after me. Entering my room, I picked up my favorite jeans and a Blink 182 shirt and decided to put that on for today.

"Bye, mom," Mike smiled before hanging up the call. His smile quickly sunk into a frown as he threw his phone on the bed beside him. His facade cracked. I couldn't help but go and try to embrace my friend. It was the least I could try to do for him.

"Put on some underwear first before you give me a hug. I don't want yo junk in my face," he laughed lowly. I chuckled and obeyed, shrugging on my boxers and pants.

"Now ya can hug me," he smiled holding his arms open. I hugged him and held on even tighter when he returned the favor. These times were frequent between the four of us. We always needed a tight hug or just some encouraging words from each other at times. We reassured each other when we all felt things couldn't and wouldn't get any better.

"You give good hugs, you know that" he laughed quietly letting go of me.

"Thanks." I smiled, laughing along with him before throwing on the rest of my clothes and going to the dining room with my mom kissing her on the cheek, unlike Caleb, Mike, and Alex could.

Kylie is Luke Hemmings from 5sos. Also Kylie's name is pronounced like Kyle for now. It may be confusing sometimes, but that is okay. It's intentional.

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