So I decided to add a new story. I've been reading a few short stories and thinking maybe I should make one, telling people that Words do matter. Think before you say something because you could be the cause if someone's death. I don't think you wanna be a murderer cause that what you're gonna become.
The words repeat in my head. "Ugly, Fat, Emo, Idiot, Cunt, Slut, Whore, Bitch" I walk out the doors of the ace I consider a hellhole. School. Ugh. Just the sounds of all the letters coming makes me sick. I walk on the sidewalk. Trying to ignore all the nasty glares I was getting. "You don't belong here." I heard a voice inside my head say. All of a sudden I feel myself falling. My books fly out of my arms, and my face collides with the cold sidewalk. A tear rolls down my cheek as the aching pain accelerates. I stumble to my feet and collect my books and continue to walk down the sidewalk. Until I couldn't take it anymore. I dropped my books. And ran. I ran so fats. The tears started streaming down my face. I drop my book bag. I continue running. Run. Is all I hear him say. I blast open the door to my house, and drag myself to the kitchen floor. Hesitantly selecting the knife I wish to use. The big one, he says. I follow his orders and take the butcher knife out from it's slot and walk to the bathroom, carefully caressing it's sharp point. I roll up my sleeve of my Sleeping With Sirens sweatshirt, and glide it along the white patches on my small arm. Then I start. Pulling it back and forth on my arm. Not caring how fast I go. Not caring how deep I go. Not caring how much blood comes out. Only paying attention to the almost unbearable pain. I set down the knife and pull of my skinnys. Picking up the knife again, I raise my hands and let them fall with all force onto my thigh. I scream out in pain. My hands shaking and the blood pouring out, I take the knife out of my thigh. Another scream of pain. More blood pours out. Crying not from the pain but my life. I lift the knife up to my neck. But I was so tired. I just wanted to.....close my eyes.....fall into a peaceful sleep. But I can't. My neck......I must. I lost all energy and the knife dropped to the floor and I started closeting my eyes. Still trying to stay awake. I hear the door burst open. "MACEY?!?!?" I hear a fimilular male voice scream. But before I could make out who it was, I fell. I left.
I ran around the house frantically. Checking the kitchen, I noticed a knife was gone from its slot. I run to her room,empty. The bathroom. I opened the door. To see red. Red. It's all I could see. Was red. I ran over to her lifeless body. "Wake up. Please!!!" I scream. Pounting on her chest. "WAKE UP!!! MACEY!!! Please." I whisper. Kissing her lips. I got nothing back. Just her cold lips. A tear rolls down my cheek. "Please wake up." I whisper as I lay on the blood filled floor next to her. Holding her lifeless body. Hoping she would wake up. "Please." I whisper again into her blue hair. "I love you." I whispered one last time, before I heard the ambulance in the drive way. The paramedics running in. Trying to take her away from me. "NO!!!!!!" I scream as a man rips me away from her. I sob as I try to get back to her. "DONT!!!" I scream.