Niall Horan: oh my goodness
Niall Horan: pictures galore
Louie : -sees giant carrot-
Louie : OH MY!!
Louie : -runs to giant carrot-
Niall Horan: nialls dick?
Louie : -picks up and runs to cashier-
Lou Teasdale: *facepalms* Oh no...!
Niall Horan: louis can i suck ur big carrot
Louie : -hands credit card-
Louie : ..
Lou Teasdale: ....
Louie : -grabs bags-
Louie : Okay Lou now where?
Lou Teasdale: Hmm the beauty shop!!!
Louie : Uhh!
Louie : Fine!
Lou Teasdale: Yay *runs inside* oooh makeup hair stuff perfume!
Louie : -sees El cardboard-
Louie : -runs over to-
Lou Teasdale: *buys everything I see* *pays for it*
Niall Horan: can someone pinch me
Niall Horan: like
Niall Horan: i swear im dreaming or some shit
Louie : why
Louie : -buys El cardboard-
Lou Teasdale: Now where Louie?
Louie : Hmm
Louie : I dont know!
Lou Teasdale: Hmm the candy shop ahaha
Louie : Yay!
Louie : -runs in-
Louie : -buys 350 pixie sticks-
Louie : -pays-
Louie : -eats 33 pixie sticks-
Louie : Hhehehehhehehehehehehhehehheheje
Louie : Lou lou lou lou lou lou lou
Louie : Hahahha
Louie : She left!
Jasmine: Im bak!
Jasmine: ^_^
Niall Horan: kiss me im horny
Niall Horan: liem
Lou Teasdale joined the chat 19 minutes ago
Lou Teasdale: I'm here!
Jasmine: Perfect timing
Louie :
Louie : Lou!!
Louie : I Bought 350 PIXIS STICKS HAHAHA
Louie : AND ATE 33 Hahahahahha
Louie : Bahhahahahah
Louie : LOU?!??!?! hahahahahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahhahaahh!!
Lou Teasdale: AHAHAHAHHA
Jasmine: .
Louie : Hahahhahahahahhaha
Louie : hehehhehehehhehehehhehehheheh
Louie : SO LOU?!?
Louie : WHATS NEXT!?!
Eleanor J. Calder joined the chat 13 minutes ago
Louie : I know!
Louie : el!!
Louie : -screams-
Eleanor J. Calder: Hi!
Louie : -tackles El-
Eleanor J. Calder: Oof
Louie : -kisses-
Lou Teasdale: Nothing you are going to hang with El
Eleanor J. Calder: -kisses back-
Louie : I misses you!
Eleanor J. Calder: metoo!
Louie : I even made out with an El doll..
Eleanor J. Calder: Um okay then.
Louie : Hehe
Louie : What do you wanna do!?!!??!!??
Louie : :F
Louie :
Louie : El?
Eleanor J. Calder: m- - +---- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
Eleanor J. Calder: 463+4.4.36+
Louie : ?
Eleanor J. Calder: Sorry my keyboard was being stupid.
Eleanor J. Calder: I don't know what that was
Louie : I was like dafqu we doing math?
Louie : I havent learned this shiz!
Eleanor J. Calder: Me either.
Louie : xD
Louie : Lou?
Lou Teasdale: Yes Louie?
Eleanor J. Calder: I'M SO YOUNG! I'M NOT READY FOR SCHOOL! Wait, I already am, damn.
Louie :
Eleanor J. Calder: Omg! Tea! I missed you!!! -hugs-
Louie : Ahould we hang out all together cause I feel like we are too lovey and leaving other out D:
Louie : should*
Niall Horan: i
Niall Horan: hi
Niall Horan: high
Niall Horan: hy
Niall Horan: hie
Niall Horan: hai
Eleanor J. Calder: Um hi?
Niall Horan: hiyy
Niall Horan: how is u
Lou Teasdale: Hi El I missed you too *hugs you back*
Eleanor J. Calder: I is good.
Niall Horan: ur my butt buddy
Eleanor J. Calder: Uh n.
Eleanor J. Calder: no*
Niall Horan: yes
Eleanor J. Calder: No.
Louie : -snaps fingers- You do not call my girlfriend you BUTT BUDDY!!
Eleanor J. Calder: -laughs-
Niall Horan: nigga cant even spell his own name LOL TROLOLOLOL LOL
Jasmine: ;(Im at the doctors
Niall Horan: el is my butt buddy.
Lou Teasdale joined the chat 2 minutes ago
Louie : I donr care if your a girl guy gay or lesbian YOU WILL NOT CALL MY GIRLFRIEND YOUR BUT BUDDY!!!
Niall Horan: butt buddyh
Niall Horan: LOL
Niall Horan: take that ho
Lou Teasdale: ...
Louie : -tackles niall-
Eleanor J. Calder: -shakes head- Oh gosh.
Lou Teasdale:
Niall Horan: -moans- uhh yea right there baby
Louie : O
Eleanor J. Calder: Um Louie, I think you should get off of him now.
Louie : :O
Niall Horan: wat