Ima just put a trigger warning right here. Ps, I have cut myself before. Because I never got to meet a guy. Don't go hatin' on me for that!
You were in your room, tears rolling down your face.
Sam never texted you back. He didn't bother to call. He never even DMed you back. He didn't try to contact you.
But he did tweet, insta, face, and snap.
It's only been one week and he never replied to your text. He never did reply to anything you sent to him.
Tears rolled down your cheeks as you listened to 'We Don't Talk Anymore' and looked at pictures of you two from your camera roll.
Your phone buzzed and it was a text from Sam.
S; Hey! Sorry I haven't texted in such a long time, it's just that I've been super busy.
(Y/N); Too busy doing what? Tweeting and watching Netflix?
S; Please don't start this!
(Y/N); Start what? Start fighting? You haven't texted me back for over three days! Why shouldn't I start?
S; I thought you'd be happy I texted you.
(Y/N); I am!
S; Then act like it.
You didn't bother to text back.
He clearly didn't want to text you.
S; Text me back. I want to text you.
(Y/N); No you don't.
S; Yes I do!
(Y/N); Are you sure?
S; Yes!
(Y/N); Then call me.
Your phone immediately buzzed and you answered.
"Yes?" You asked.
"I miss you!" Sam whined.
"Then come visit me!"
"I can't! I'm busy! I would but I can't!"
"What do you want?"
"I love you and I miss you and I'm sorry that I haven't texted you for such a long time. Babe, please forgive me."
"I can't. I'm busy." You hung up and shut off your phone. Then you pulled out a blade and slid it over the veins on your wrists. You watched as the blood ran from your wounds and dripped to the floor.
The front door slammed shut, but you ignored it.
"(Y/N), I'm here!" Sam shouted from your living room. "Where are you?"
You didn't answer, just continued to watch the blood flow.
Your bedroom door opened and you knew Sam was there.
"(Y/N), what are you doing?"
You looked at him with tears overflowing your eyes and rolling down your cheeks. You watched him take off his shirt and rip it into two strips. Then he covered your cuts and wouldn't stop kissing you.
"Babe, never do that again!" He exclaimed.
"I thought I wasn't good enough for you. You wouldn't text me back." You whimpered.
"Your perfect for me. I didn't text you back because I was planning a surprise for you that took almost a week to prepare."
"Please, tell me next time."
"I will."