chapter 53: From me to you ...SA.

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chapter 53: From me to you ...SA.


Oh, I see. You thought it was over, right? 

Well, sorry to break it to you - it's far from being over.

Why you dare to ask? Because I said so and what I say goes. Got it?

I bet you're all so desperate to find out why I make Sutton do these things. 

Let me fill you in on a secret.

Sutton Rosegarden isn't as innocent and sweet as you all think she is. Don't worry, the truth won't stay buried and the lies will surface, although she desperately wishes it would stay hidden. I know even more about Sutton, than she knows about herself. As for that murderous, ex gang drug dealing boyfriend of hers, he is starting to get a little too comfortable at night. Doesn't the guilt of all those people, plus more that Sutton doesn't know about keep him up at night anymore? Watching their soul be ripped from their body? Don't worry lovelies, I'll ensure he gets a dose of guilty soon. Especially with a new person coming to town who he's been involved with. One word - Heartbreak. 

However, more importantly let's cast our minds back to that evening in the abandoned dance studio. That was a very, very close call, Liam nearly slipping my name out to Sutton. Luckily, my little obedient Joel was on his game as I lurked behind one of the mirrors, watching every bead of nervous sweat fall from Sutton's forehead. It was like the scene from a thriller movie, only the adrenalin was much greater for me, seeing as I was the one able to set the stage. 

I warned Sutton blood would be shed, but who knew it would be from our enemy? You thought I liked Liam? Don't make me laugh. He's pathetic, arrogant and useless. Nick, on the other hand… wait, that's not even his real name. False identity? I wonder where he got that trick from…

I still can't believe you thought this would be coming to an end. That I would be discovered and caught, rotting in a jail cell whilst Sutton and Justin walked hand in hand into the sunset.

You are all delusional

I'm not resting until I get payback. Maybe it will take a week, a month, a year until you uncover the truth of who I am. Nevertheless, in the mean time you might aswell stick around. I plan on remaining uncovered for a while longer and just between the two of us, it's about to get a whole lot worse. 

Life is so much fun when no one knows who you really are. 

Don't worry, take a seat and relax. I recommend getting yourself a snack to chow down on while you wait. You'll know who I am soon enough, all things in due time. 

This is my game. 

My rules. 

I'm still here bitches and this time I'm out for blood



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