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Anabia's P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of door closing, and saw Kashif entering in the room. He looked tensed and worried.

"Hey! What did the doctor say?"

"Uh nothing, h-he just said that you should rest and you shouldn't let yourself stress." He replied stuttering a little.

"Okay." I say hesitantly. "Kashif?"

"Hmm." He said taking a seat beside my bed.

"What happened?"

At this question his body went stiff, but soon he composed himself and said chuckling nervously,

"Why do you think something is wrong? Nothings wrong! Everything's perfectly fine, you're fine, I'm fine, everyone's fine."
"Kashif you know you can tell me." I try to make him spill out what's bothering him.

"Its nothing Ana, don't worry just don't stress yourself okay? Its just office work." He says.

I knew he was lying saying its work that's bothering him. I know its something related to me but I let it go for now knowing that he won't tell me. Just then I noticed,

Wait! WHAT?

"What did you just call me?" I ask surprised.

"Uhh what?"

"You just called me Ana right?"

"Uhh yeah! Is there something wrong with it?" He asks smirking.

"No its jus- just that nobody ever addressed me from any pet names."

"Oh! Then get used to it." He says with a small smile.

And despite being shocked I smile a full genuine smile. Wow its been so long since someone called me from a pet name. There is only one person who calls me from any pet name and she is my best friend.

Except from her no one called me Ana or bia (Ana and bia are her pet names :)) that is until Kashif. Wow it felt different hearing it from him.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't even knew when nurse came in injected me with an injection and left.

* * *

Finally home sweet home. I tell you there is no better place than home. After staying there for half day on that really uncomfortable bed and eating that tasteless food I could say that there is no worst place than a hospital.

Now I was discharged and finally in my home on my bed resting. Kashif has strictly prohibited that I will not get off from the Ned unless I want to use washroom, other than that a maid would do all the work which he had hired I don't know when.

So here I was laying on my bed getting bored to death and I had no idea where was Kashif. After coming back he told me that he had to do some important work so I should go and rest and he would be back by dinner. I was about to ask him where he was going but he rushed out before I could ask.

I was just laying there thinking about today's events. Kashif was acting really strange after he came back from doctor's office and I noticed how he was really worried and checked every drink, medicine, or food I received thoroughly, which was really strange. I mean come on he was acting like someone would give me poison in that.

But even after his strange act I didn't ask him anything, I gave him his space and I know he'd tell me when he's ready I know. I trust him. Yes I trust him.

I was lost in my thoughts when the door opened and in entered Kashif, he was looking really stressed and tensed. I got up from my current position and sat straight.

He came towards me, "Anabia I-I want to tell you something." He said nervously.


"Ummm Anabia today as you know that the doctor called me to talk to me personally, it was about your health." He said not meeting my eyes.

"What health? I'm perfectly fine. He said that it was only stress."

"Yeah I know he said it, but its just that he told me not to tell you because you will get more stressed but it would be better to tell you now."

"What tell me?"


"Kashif please stop this and tell me what's wrong. You're scaring me. I'm alright right? I am perfectly alright right? Its nothing related to my health right?"

"Ana please calm down I'll not let anything happen to you. I will not let anything happen okay?"

"What's wrong with me Kashif?" I said, scared of the answer I might get.

"You were poisoned."

"What?" I said shaking in fear.

"Yes and its not any normal poison its different."

"What different?"

"This poison when injected into someone develops cancer cells in their body."

"What? Impossible! No it cannot be Kashif I'm fine see." I said standing up and pointing at myself, "I'm perfectly alright, the doctor must've been kidding. I'm alright. Nothings wrong with me." I whispered the last part, tear flowing down my cheeks.

"Anabia calm down please."

"No Kashif I'm fine right? I'm fine right? Please tell me this is all a joke. I don't want to die." I say, my voice cracking at the end.

"No Anabia I won't let anything happen to you baby. I swear I won't let anything happen to you." He tries to calm me and engulf me in a hug.

"Kashif I-I don't want to die please save me, please." I say erupting into sobs. I cry into his shirt and he just sits there holding me and whispering sweet nothings into my ear.

After I've been calmed down, I gather the courage to ask, "please tell me everything."

And with that he tells me everything from his meeting to the doctor, him telling about this special kind of poison, him asking for two days for the surgery and Kashif's meeting with Adam.

"Kashif I'm scared what if I die?" I ask.

"No you won't, I won't let you. Please be calm, please don't stress. I told this to you because day after tomorrow is your surgery and if I had told you on that day itself your reaction would've been much worse that's why I told you now so you can be calm day after tomorrow."

"But Kashif what if I don't make-"

"No Anabia please don't say this, I'll not be able to live without you. Please don't say this relax please I won't let anything happen to you. I promise. And also I'll find those bastards who poisoned you and make sure to torture them to death." He says, his eyes showing anger.

I prayed a lot that night for my health, because to be honest I don't want to die. I want to live and spend my life with Kashif happily because I like him. Yes I'm falling for Kashif Ali and I want to spend the rest of my life with him happily.

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