Nicole's pov
I'm glad that Logan was honest with me . I just needed some time. I know it wasn't that bad just a kiss and he stopped it, but still. It shouldn't have happened in the first place. I could see how much pain I was causing him. And I know it was kinda bitchy to do this. Its been a week since he told me. I was sitting on my bed early Saturday morning when there was a knock on my door.Come in I said turning to look and see who it was. Good morning Cam. What's up?
"You seem sad so I asked mom to help me make you breakfast."
That's so sweet . He walked over and handed me a plate with bacon ,eggs and toast and a glass of orange juice.I took it from him and put it on my bed side table. He crawled in my bed next to me and got under the cover with me. You wanna watch some cartoons. He just nodded his head and smiled. We ended up watching Fairly Odd Parents and sharing my breakfast. My mom came in after while and told Cam that she wanted to talk to me and sent him downstairs.
(Mom is in italics)
What's been going on with you sweetheart? And where's Logan he hasn't been here in a while. Did you two break up?
No mom I just needed some space.
"Well you can tell that boy really cares about you. What could he have done that was that bad?"
He kissed his ex even though he says he stopped it it shouldn't have happened. He told her he moved on but it still happened.
"Sweetie the same thing happened to me and your father. Actually that's how you got here".
Umm I didn't really need to know that last part . But mom what should I do?
"Do you still like him?"
A lot
" Then that's your answer. It's been two weeks. And listen here I ain't raising no grandkids.".
I got up and took my shower and got dressed for the day. Blue jeans and purple shirt and my all black Jordans . I texted Logan asking him to come over and come straight up to my room. There was about a good 5 minutes until there was a knock at my bedroom door. I stood up and looked in the mirror one last time before saying come in. He came in and shut the door behind him. Without wasting any time I walked straight up to him connecting our lips together. He lifted me up, my legs finding their way around his waist as he moved us so that my back was against the wall. "I've missed you so much" he started . I missed you too I moaned into the kiss. Wait what if my dad walks in? "Let him"he responded.Wait a minute. He put me down and I went into my parents room .I should have knocked first. What I saw in there would scar me for life . But they didn't see me so I hurried and closed the door. I peeked in on Cam who was sitting on the couch watching tv before going back to my room. I went in and shut the door behind me. I grabbed my phone and turned on some music. I walked over to the bed where Logan was laying and climbed on top of him. So what do you want to do today.
" Nothing lets just lay in here and watch tv"
Sounds good to me. I went downstairs and got us a whole bunch of snacks before returning. When I came back he was switching through the channels . I guess he didn't want to watch The Haves and the Have Nots. He stopped the channel on 50 Shades of Grey. Really Logan?
"Well why not"?
I guess we can watch it. I put the snacks down and got on the bed next to him.He pulled me closer and put his arm around my shoulders . We settled in for the movie. I guess we must have fallen asleep. Because my mom was in my room shaking me . I didn't even realize it was it was 7:00 pm. She told me her and dad were going out with some friends and that there was money for pizza in the on the table. And that Cameron was playing video games. She kissed me on my forehead and whispered goodbye before walking out. If it was already 7 then I figured I need to feed Cam so he could go to bed. I reach over to the nightstand and grabbed my phone. I dialed Pizza Hut's number and placed and order for a medium pep , some boneless honey bbq wings and a cookie. The guy said it would be here but 8:20. So I layed there not wanting to go back to sleep. As I layed there I heard Logan talking but it was very low. Babe are you awake? I got no response ,so I just figured he was just sleep talking.
"Baby just like that.....damn Nicki...faster"
As I layed there listening I felt something start to press into my behind. Oh gosh. Just in the nick of time the doorbell rang. I pried myself out of his grip. Babe wake up the foods here I said waking him up before going downstairs. I grabbed the money that my mom left on the the table and opened the door .Once I payed the guy I set the food down and went to go get Cam. I brought him to the kitchen and fixed his plate for him before going upstairs. When I got back to my room Logan wasn't laying on the bed where I left him. As I started to move around my room I heard all of these moans and grunts coming from the bathroom in my room. Baby are you ok? I asked. I got no response. Say something or I'm coming in there.
"Just give me a minute I'll be right out"
Alright come downstairs when your ready. I went downstairs and fixed my food before sitting next to my brother.Not to long after Logan came down and joined us. The table was pretty silent . Cam could barely keep his eyes open. Since he was already in his pyjamas I carried him to his room and tucked him in. I went back down to find Logan washing the dishes so I picked up a dish rag so I could dry them as he went. Once we finished we went back to my room.Logan do you want to spend the night?
"Umm yeah let me go home real quick and get changed and grab my phone charger.
I took the time while he was gone to change into my pyjamas which were just shorts and a tank top. I got under the covers and searched for something to watch. Logan came back in his pyjamas and crawled in under the covers next to me. So are we watching tv or sleeping I asked.
" Eh let's go to sleep. Night beautiful" he said kissing my temple before bringing his arm down to my waist and pulling me closer.
I couldn't help it I just felt safe with him around. As if he would protect me against everything. I ended up staying up a while. Long enough for my parents to be home. I pretended to be asleep when they came in my room. I really didn't feel like a lecture from my dad at 3 in the morning.

The Boy Next Door
Teen FictionI had a simple content high school life but that all changed once he moved in