11:20 pm
I have no idea how long I've been driving and I have no idea what direction I'm headed because I've been in too much of a rush to get as far away from Luke as possible. I'm sure hes freaking out by now honestly could care less, I hope the fucker suffers.
I saw the lights of a city in front of me and I let out a sigh of relief when I looked at the sign that said 'Welcome to Seattle'.
I found the nearest hotel and checked in after the front desk recognized me from the news and called the police. I'm finally fucking free.
I sat in the hotel room and cried tears of relief and happiness to finally get away from him. Fuck, I'm just so fucking happy.
I rubbed my bump and smiled down at my unborn baby girl. "I won't let anyone hurt you Mad, the second someone hurts you in the second the only thing in this world they have to be afraid of is me, and me alone." I quietly promised my baby and felt her kick at my words. I knew she was happy to be away from Luke too.
My head was spinning as I sat in the chair in the interrogation room at the police station.They said they called my parents and they were on their way and I gave them all the information about the place I was held captive. I gave them all the gory details and the address and advised them to take Luke's car back so he wont get suspicious but have some police cars behind them, ready to get there when they were called.
They are taking my advice, saying that it was clever and may help them get him faster than originally planned.
Madden was kicking and I had to shift a bunch to get comfortable, I enjoyed that she was kicking. It was helping me get my mind off of the situation for a while, It is such a wonderful feeling when your baby kicks. It reassures me that she is still there and that shes okay.
No matter the circumstance she was made under I will never stop loving my little girl, she is the only one giving me a reason to live at the moment.
If it weren't for her, I think I would have killed myself a lot sooner. My heart fluttered at the thought that in a few months I'll be able to hold my little beauty in my arms and I'll be able to sing her to sleep and look into her pretty little eyes. I can't wait to be able to love my little baby until the day I die, and to know how beautiful she is even though her other father isn't a great human.
I looked out to the side through the window because I heard a loud commotion and saw Luke trashing around in the *multiple* police officers arms.
"LET ME GO." Luke shouted, his face red with anger. His crystal blue eyes met my mocha ones and he suddenly stopped trashing.
His face softened and his eyes filled with tears, he looked so betrayed. Only for a split moment, I felt a pang of guilt in my chest. It quickly washed away as I had a flash back.
Buzzing. That's all I heard as his punches slowed down and my eyes opened to look at his.
Luke looked me in the eyes and he sighed. "Look what you made me do baby, you made me hurt you."
"Please leave me alone Luke." I whispered as I slowly sat up and leaned against the wall to support myself.
Luke pulled me away from the wall and laid me down. He started to kiss me and take off our clothing.
With all the strength I have, I started to fight him off. Luke easily over powered my weak, bruised figure.
"Let me make it up to you, hm?" Luke mumbled into the crook of my neck as his hands touched me him all the places I didn't want him.
He flipped me over so I am on my stomach and lifted my hips up.
I felt his tip rub around my entrance and push in. I began to cry even harder as his other hand brought up the rest of my body and held me to his chest as he thrusted in and out of me, going harder each time.
He put his hand over my mouth as he moaned continuously into my ear. "Fuck baby, you feel so good around my cock."
My body went limp as he continued to ruin my already broken body. I stopped caring what he did to me anymore. I'm completely numb and I make my mind go somewhere else, somewhere better. Somewhere Luke isn't.
This will be over soon.
I started to shake and held my hand to my mouth to muffle my sobs. Everything about him is awful, I hate every little thing about him.
All I can to is pray to God that Luke rots in his own piss and shit and a cage made for monsters like him. Hes a fucking monster, the scariest one of all.
"I'll never let that happen to you Mad, not ever." I sobbed down at my bump that holds the only good out come of this situation.
I just want to go home.
Honestly there is no excuse as to why I haven't updated. I literally have so much free time and could have updated a bunch by now.
Sorry that this is shitty and kinda short, it was taking a really long time and I had to take a 20 minute break just to figure out what to write for when Cal was at the police station.

Kill Your Darlings :: c.h & l.h :: ABANDONED
Science Fiction'once i get out of here, i'm going to kill your darlings.' //in which a boy is insane and abducts the boy he claims he l o v e s.// lowercase intended previously called 'Inked Skin' copyright © 2016 pumpingbolan Re-written! if you guys want to c...