Oh, dont you mind the title
Well, I am going to write about that.
3.......2.......1...... Go!That girl.
That girl that makes your heart beat
That girl that radiates heat
That girl that makes you want to bleed.What if this is love?
What if she liked you?
What if you can't handle it?
What if you can't see her ever again?That is how I feel
That is how I don't want to feel
That is how I fall hard
That is how the cookie crumbles9 months ago........
" I wonder what it is like for girls to like me"
I search up videos for' signs that a girl might like you'
"This one girl is acting very wierd in front of me"
"I wonder if she likes me"
The next day, I went to school
I tried to observe that girl as much as I can
After school, I went home
"She's not so bad"
"Maybe I should give her a chance"
The next day.....
I fell for her
And yet now I still don't know if she likes me.And in nine days I need to move.
Nine lives
Nine chances
Nine hearts
Nine dishes
Nine doors
A lot of choices