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The sound of the explosion was earth shattering, the noise echoing off the walls of the small cell where you were being held. You snapped awake, sitting bolt upright. You listened carefully as the jail quickly descended into utter chaos, the sound of gunshots and the shouts of confused officers spiraling into one, ear-piercing racket. You stood up and walked to the front of your cell, just in time for the second explosion to rip through the building. You fell to the ground just seconds before the ceiling came crashing down on top of you. You blinked twice before your world faded to black.

Bucky's POV

He slowly lifted his head, watching as the doors in front of him imploded, yellow and orange sparks spraying in every direction. Within seconds, both of the guards that had been watching him, laid motionless on the ground.

"Buck, do you know who I am?" The man who had burst through the door said, approaching Bucky's cell with caution.

"Yes, you're Steve." Bucky said, doing his best to keep his expression flat. "I read about you in a museum."

"We were friends buck." Steve explained, still cautiously approaching him.

"What are you doing here?" Bucky struggled to keep his voice even as Steve slowly opened his cell. He stepped out, standing just a few feet from the one person left who knew him, not the Winter Soldier, but him, James Buchanan Barnes.

"We're getting you out." Steve said, tossing Bucky a set of car keys. Suddenly alarms started blaring as reinforcements started closing in. "You better go!" Steve said, gesturing to the door. "Don't worry, I'll take care of the rest. Car's out front, black SUV."

Bucky began to leave, but at the last second, he turned around, "This is payback you know."

Steve turned to him, utterly bewildered. Bucky shrugged, "You know, for all the countless fights I drug you out of?"

Steve's face lit up in pure excitement, Bucky did know who he was. He felt like a kid on the playground again, picking fights with his best friend by his side, and for the first time in seventy something years, Steve stopped wishing he was somewhere else, anywhere else.

"Ya, I remember, you stupid punk." Bucky said, a huge grin spreading across his face as he jogged out of the room.

"Hey, Bucky wait!" Steve called, chasing after him.

Bucky stopped just long enough to see Steve at the end of the hallway, "and don't do anything stupid while I'm gone!"

Just before he exited, Bucky heard someone call down the hall, "Jerk." He smiled as he rounded the corner, dashing down the stairs three at a time. It wasn't true, what hydra had told him, everyone around him didn't have to die. Steve proved that, and gave Bucky hope, that maybe, someday, he could live a normal life again.

Meanwhile Steve stood in the hallway, smiling like an idiot. For nearly Eighty years he'd thought his best friend was dead, now here he was breaking him out of prison. "You know I always thought it would be the other way around." He mused, staring down the dark hallway.

"Uh Steve little help here?" Sam called, trying to single handedly hold off all of the officers.

"Huh? Oh yeah." Steve answered, quickly running over to help.

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