I gather my school belongings and make my way to the bus stop. Christina had been getting a cad ride from Styles' older brother and thought it would be fair to give my grandad a rest from all the worrying due to my accident. I approach the bus stop to find Chloe already there. "Mina it's good to see your back nothing is the same without you." Her arms swing across my neck and tug my in firmly. She motivates me to go to school. The bus arrives just in time and we take our seats in the second floor to avoid other students and chaos. The bus pulls up in front if the school the driver presses the buzzer to alert us to get off.
We both make our way to class discussing comic con and newly released manga. Before I depart from her, students from all angles gather around me and unintentionally shove me into a corner. " Are you better ? What happened ? Is it true you have someone else's guts in you?" As they spit questions at me I feeling a indescribably magnificent desire to devour their eye balls and swirl them around in their own blood. My he's thuds against me and I am not able to speak.
"I know your concern is genuine but give her fucking room!" Chloe's hand reaches out to me and pulls me sharply out of the crowd. I feel everybody's sighs and complains reflect onto my body but it doesn't phase me. I nod at Chloe and enter my classroom. I find the class slouched onto their desks withering away with boredom. Until I enter the room. Their eyes became unstable and ignore the teacher in front calling out their names for registration. The same questions are repeated and some idiot even asked if I was dead. I smile politely and inform them I'm fine.
As I trace the class room with care I notice Christina standing their with her eyes open and her arms by her side. I sprint over to her with tears trapped between my eye lashes. I shove my arms around her neck and gently dig my head into her shoulder. " Missed you like hell you ninny." She says as the ends of her fingers catch my hair. I feel Styles' and Tyan's hands rub the back of my spin but quickly reject. My back gets a want sensation and I gently shove Christina aside. I give them a confused yet concerned look a they both stare into each others eyes. "Everything okay ?" I question as I place myself next to the window. They both shrug off each other's state an smile at me. " Good to see you back." Tyan's stern face melts into a smile.
I make my way up the stairs to find myself grow weak. The same voices I heard from the hospital order my to attack. I feel their whispers stretch out to me and press against my head. I feel my back get the same burning desire to explode only this time it's harder to control when people are constantly around you. I force myself to make my way up the stairs with no hesitations and get on with the school day.
Lunch finally catches up and I find myself in the same position. Unable to eat. I press the soft buttered bread against my lips and sneak it under my teeth. I bite into it gently and chew quietly. The burning sensation rusted up my throat like a rusty metal pole and scraped against my throat. It was as if I was eating buttery acid.
Chloe looks over with a startled look on her face crunching on her chocolate flake watching the crumbs fall on her skirt. "What's wrong ? Can't you eat ?" She delmoshes the rest of her flake and I stare at her with envy. "Ever since my return from the hospital and the transplant I haven't been the same." I was honest but it was a understatement. My taste buds exploded every time food melted into my mouth.
"It's as if I'm drinking battery acid." As I said those words Tyan looked up with his eyes directing at me with concern.
"Battery acid?" He mutters as if he knew the feeling of swallowing something so disgusting and indigestible. I nodded to reassure him. His face exploded with a smile to not concern himself. " I think it's just the after shock of such a tragic accident and the fact you had a transplant, I mean you have someone else's remains in you." His eyes squinted at my hands. I removed them from his sight feeling nervous.
Christina's eyes shuffle onto my hands as well and I place the bread back into the box looking at it with regret knowing even though bread and butter is the most simplistic food out there I do enjoy it. She offers me a piece of toast and I turn it down again but with hesitation. I wasn't distracted by the toast. I was distracted by her perfectly shaped fingers and how much I wanted to rip into them with my bare teeth and leave nothing but bone. I barley grab control of myself and decide to remove myself from the lunch table.
As I seek for a place to hide in shame I feel a presence behind my and trace my every move. "Mina?" Comes voice behind me. The voice is recognised by my ears and spin round to find Tyan with a hot cup of coffee in his hands. I stare at him stunned as if he knew my limitations of food.
" Care for some coffee?"

FantasyNote : This is my own version and adaption of Tokyo ghoul. Nothing like the original manga/anime but Tokyo ghoul is my favourite manga and I love the anime so my story is inspired by the manga/anime. Hope you enjoy it :) Mina Venicia is an ordinary...