Chapter 20

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We all spend the whole day and night just hanging out and talking. I'm so happy for both me and Kelsey. I never thought that Kelsey would decide to commit to anyone but I'm glad that she did and that it's with Aaron. I can really see them being happy together.

Stefan walks up behind me and kisses my neck. " Come on baby, grab a few things and lets go stay at our house so we can be alone."

I turn around smiling and kiss him on the lips." I would love to be alone with you, then we can go to sleep."

Laughing he grabs me up in his arms  and kisses my neck. " There will be no sleeping." He breathes into my ear.

I hit him playfully in the chest." What makes you think that I want to stay up late with you?"

He puts his lips to my ear. I can feel the warm air from his breath as he sucks on my ear and whispers." Believe me, once I get you home you won't want to ever go to sleep."

Then he picks me up like a child and starts walking to the door, not even bothering to let me grab my things.

"Stefan, my things." I reach for my purse and grab it from the table as he walks past.

"We can come back tomorrow first thing in the morning and grab your things." He kisses me and keeps on walking, carrying me all the way to his car. He sets me down inside and gives me a sexy grin.

* * *

We get to the house and he tells me to stay put. Then he walks to my side of the car and picks me up to carry me inside.

I start laughing as he's walking." What, are we married now ?"

He opens the door and walks in and sets me on the couch as he gets on top of me. With his face just inches from mine he says." No, things will be even better when we get married." Then he bends down and kisses me.

I open my mouth freely and let him in. He grabs my back and picks me up as he's kissing me. I reach up and pull his shirt off. I run my fingers over his chest as he kisses my neck. Then I reach down and unbotton his jeans. I run my hand under his waist band of his boxers. This excites him so he picks me up wrapping my legs around his waist and carries me to the bedroom. He lays me back softly on the bed while kissing me the whole time.

He reaches for my shirt to pull it off when all of a sudden there's a loud banging on the door. I sit up real quick placing my hand on a bra that's not mine.

I pick it up and hold it in front of me. " Um, who's at your door and who's bra is this?"

He looks at the bra with his eyes wide open." That's what I was going to tell you about, but I swear we didn't have sex and I didn't take that bra off."

I push him off of me as the pounding on the door continues and gets louder. I walk up and walk to the door opening it. Outside is a really pretty but angry girl.

Stefan walks up right behind me and puts his head in his hand." Jasmine, I told you to go away."

She pushes her way in the door." What makes you think that you can just let me stay the night and then make out with me, just to kick me out? Who does that?"

I walk over and sit on the arm of the chair. Well this should be interesting. I should be mad but I'm actually kind of happy because he did make her leave.

Jasmine looks at me and starts shaking." So, who's this?"

Stefan looks at me and the puts his arms around me." This is my fiancé."

I look up at him confused but just decide to go with the flow.

She yells and throws her keys at his arm. I thought you said you didn't even have a girlfriend, now all of a sudden you have a fiancé. What the hell?"

He bends down and picks up her keys handing them to her." I'm sorry Jasmine, but like I told you I'm in love with Kendra and there will never be a me and you again. I moved on a long time ago but I just wouldn't let myself believe it. Please leave." He points at the door.

She looks at me and then turns away to the door.

Stefan grabs her arm to stop her. Then he walks to his room for a minute and comes back with her bra. " You forgot this."

She turns to walk out the door and then stops. Without even looking at me." You're a lucky girl. Don't ever let him go. You'll regret it. Like I do."

Then she walks out and shuts the door behind her.

We both look at each other in silence until I finally speak up. "Well that was kind of awkward."

He walks over and grabs my face and kisses my nose. " Look, I'm sorry. I really was just confused and hurt and.."

I stop him by placing my lips to his." Don't worry about it. I'm just happy that you're mine."

He sits down on the couch pulling me in his lap when all of a sudden my phone starts going off. I don't know the number but I decide to answer it anyways while I still can.

"Hello." I hear heavy breathing on the phone. " Hello."

Then I hear some crying and a familiar voice." Kendra, I love you. Please just give me another chance."

"Jason, No. I can't do this right now."

Stefan looks at me with a worried look on his face.

"Jason, I'm with someone else now."

He stops breathing in the phone then I hear his angry voice. " It's that Stefan guy, isn't it? I knew it."

I let out my breath and sit back on the couch. " Yes, it is and well, I love him. I'm sorry Jason."

He doesn't say anything back and then I just hear a click and he's gone.

I look at Stefan. "Well, I guess we both had some what of an interesting night."

We both just look at each other feeling awkward. Then he walks over and pust his arms arouns me.He kisses me on the lips softly and brushes my hair out of my eyes. " Well maybe we should get some sleep and start over fresh in the morning."

I look at him in agreement. Then we silently make our way to the bed.

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