Chapter 4 continued

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As we walked into his office , he closed the door and began " Ok miss Hart,I know why your here. There's ganna be a case of mine that you somehow magically know about and as per usual want to stick your nose into and help solve . And I'm hoping you can tell me why 3 toddlers have been taken in the last week and each the adult that was with them has no recollection of who or what took the child they just keep saying black cloak and red glowing eyes?" "I will help. Can I see the files?" He pushed them across the desk to me. I opened them. The first one I opened the little boy in my vision! His name is layden Kyle Jameson. "That was our first attack he and his mom were walking home from a trip to a park. His mom swears she had no idea that her son was even with her! This all makes no sense! So please work your magic" "I'll see what I can do."

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