- Alex -
Two years.
It's been two freaking years and I still can't get her out of my mind.
I wish we could go back to before everything happened. We were all happy. Nobody hated anyone. Everything was normal. The things Taylor said were wild but sometimes when I really think about what she was saying...I have to question if see was telling the truth. Did he really do what she said he did?
No. There is no way that Seth did any of that. He's not that type of guy..That would hurt people..Would he ?
- Seth -
I stare at Alex across the room. Two years later and he's still dwelling on Taylor. She's insane. What she accused me of is insane. I never hurt her. It wasn't me. Alex probably believes her, I mean he believed everything she ever said. What happened two years ago really destroyed us all as friends. Nobody is the same anymore. Nobody is close anymore. I just wanna go back to the way things were. Somebody has to put in that effort to get us back there and that somebody is me. I walk over to Alex and put my hand on his shoulder.
"Hey man. What's up?" I feel him jump under my hand. I chuckle. He looks up and rolls his eyes.
"Not funny man and nothing much just thinking about the old days..The good times." He says with a slight smile. I pull up a chair and sigh.
"I hear that. I feel like we should try and get back to the way that we all used to be, ya know ?"
"Seth I don't think that is possible considering what happened tw-"
"Two years ago. Yeah Yeah I know. I'm not trying to get completely back to how we were just to a point where..What's left of the group to hang out again and feel mostly comfortable around each other. Think about it kid." I get up and walk off. He'll be thinking about that for awhile.