Wow it's late, oh well *updates*
That almost rhymed :3
"Hey do you guys want to come to mine after school?" Chris asked one lunchtime a few days later. Today they had decided to sit under a tree instead of on the field and both couples were cuddled up together against the thick trunk.
"Yeah, I'm in babe," Pj said, kissing his cheek.
"Yeah me too, Phil?" Dan asked.
"Sorry I can't," Phil said, leaning his head into Dan's shoulder.
"Why not?" Chris asked.
"I'm er going to see my grandma tonight," Phil mumbled, trying to sound convincing.
"Maybe another time then?" Chris asked.
"Yeah sounds good," Phil said happily. He looked up at Dan who was smiling, but chewing his lip a little in thought.
"Why didn't you say you were going to your grandma's tonight?" Dan whispered into his ear.
"I thought I did. I'm sorry it must have slipped my mind," Phil apologised and Dan looked less worried.
"It's okay love," Dan replied and pecked his cheek, making him blush and giggle.
Phil felt incredibly guilty behind his smile. He wasn't seeing his grandma, he actually had been meant to but she said she was going to a pottery class instead so Phil had texted Damian saying they should meet up if he was free as well. Damian had replied and they were meeting at the swings in the park not far from where they both lived at 4. Phil hadn't told Dan and hated lying to him, but he had said he wouldn't tell him and that he would help Damian become a nicer person and he didn't want to break his word. Oh it was all just really tricky and confusing! The school bell rang signalling the end of lunch and they all groaned at the same time, laughing at the unison.
"We should form a barber shop quartet," Chris said, making the others look at him weirdly. "What? We all have nice voices, especially Peej, why not?"
"Because no, that's why," Dan said, making Phil giggle.
"You have got a good voice though," Phil told him taking his hand and squeezing it.
"Well then maybe we can sing duets, but I am not wearing a striped jacket just for Chris so he can have sexual fantasies about us all," Dan told him, and Dan felt a slap hit that back of his head.
"The only person I have sexual fantasies about is Pj, and those don't have to be fantasies," Chris said loudly, then winked at Pj, slapping his bum. Pj blushed and pushed Chris away but didn't decline what Chris had said, earning loud 'oooohs' from Phil and Dan.
"Oh shut up you twats," Pj said, going an even brighter shade of red and Chris put his arm around his shoulder protectively.
"You guys just wish you were as good as Pj in bed," Chris told them, earning him a dig in the ribs from Pj.
"Well we can always find out," Dan winked, and Chris shot in a furious glance, wrapping his arms tightly around Pj and moving him away from Dan.
"No. Mine," he said sternly, and Dan knew to back off. They almost forgot how in love with Pj Chris was, it was sweet really, even if it was hidden behind all the dirty jokes and weird accents.
"Fine with me, I have Phil," Dan said, snaking his arm around Phil's waist and sliding his hand into his back pocket. Phil went red and squirmed a little bit, even though he knew it was Dan, it was weird having his hand on his ass. Just any Howell touching his ass was a bit weird really. Dan gave him a worried look but Phil smiled at him, wrapping his own arm around his waist and gripping tightly as they walked back into the school building.
They had art last period and Phil had finalised his sketches and was starting to properly paint on his designs to the wooden board he had managed to get. Dan kept watching him while he worked, and Phil kept catching his eye and seeing him blush. When the bell went Phil walked over to him and Dan quickly grabbed his work and walked away from him, blushing furiously.
"What are you hiding?" Phil asked him, following him over to the drying wrack where he was putting his work.
"Nothing," Dan said unconvincingly.
"Please Danny, I want to see it," Phil pleaded, wrapping his arms around his waist from behind him.
"Okay, but it's not very good," Dan said sighing and pulling it out to show Phil.
Dan had drawn Phil. He had made it abstract (to fit in with his project) so his hair was messy and his eyes were overly bright but it was amazing all the same, like Phil's weird creativeness showed on his face properly.
"Dan that's gorgeous!" Phil told him, making Dan face him and placed little kisses all over every inch of skin he could get to.
"It's not," Dan shrugged, but smiled at all the kisses he was getting. "Anyway Phil you need to get home so you can see your grandma and I need to meet Chris and Pj at the gates so as much as I hate to say it please stop kissing me," Dan said.
"Nope," Phil said and pressed his lips firmly against Dan's. Dan kissed him back but stopped abruptly when they heard a small 'ahh' come from behind them. They forgot they were in a classroom, and Mr Pam was watching them from behind his desk.
"Sorry sir," Dan muttered, going incredibly red.
"It's fine. I think it's really great what you guys have and how open you are about it. I could never do that back at school, so I'm glad you boys have the confidence to," Mr Pam told them, smiling at them.
"Oh so you're...?" Phil asked.
"Yup, the hubby is at home babysitting for my sister," he said smiling.
"That's really sweet, thanks sir," Dan said and him and Phil walked out the room hand in hand.
"Maybe that will be us one day," Dan said to Phil happily.
"Maybe," Phil said back, kissing his cheek. They saw Chris and Pj waiting at the gates and walked over to them.
"Hey guys. Dan is it okay if we go to the corner shop first? Pj wants poptarts," Chris asked.
"If poptarts are involved then count me in," Dan said. "Sorry we can't at least walk part way with you," Dan said to Phil.
"It's fine I need to go anyway. Bye guys, bye Danny bear," Phil said loudly, pecking Dan's lips before walking away hearing Chris and Pj laugh behind him.
"Danny bear!" He heard Chris choke out while laughing.
"Oh shut up," he heard Dan groan and knew Dan would be shooting him evils. It was worth it. He checked his phone for the time and saw he would have to go straight to the park to be on time.
When he approached the swings he saw Damian leaning against the pole. A worried mother walked past Phil, pulling he child along who was moaning and asking why they couldn't stay. Phil guess it was because Damian was smoking. Not in a looks sense (well, considering he looked like Dan Phil thought he looked quite hot, low cut top showing his collar bones and black skinny jeans showing a flash of dark boxers and for some reason a black beanie although it was boiling outside) but his head was surrounded in a little cloud of smoke.
"Hey Phil," he heard Damian say.
"Hey. Er would you mind putting that out?" Phil asked. He really didn't like smoking.
"Yeah sure," Damian said, stamping it out. "I wish I could stop, but addiction, you know," he said.
"Try chewing gum whenever you want to smoke, see if that helps," Phil said, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a packet which he gave to Damian.
"Thanks Phil,"
Phil sat down on a swing and Damian looked at it warily.
"Oh come on, you're not too cool to sit on a swing next to a dorky idiot are you?" Phil asked, frowning.
"Oh what the hell," Damian said and sat on the swing next to Phil.
"So Damian, why do you suddenly want to be different?" Phil asked.
"Honestly? I saw you and Dan. You two seem so happy and you can do whatever you want to be happy. For me I feel like I have to go out and have one night stands to be good enough. I don't feel like I am worthy of having a relationship because of my reputation which isn't even me! I like video games and hate vodka, but my group of 'friends' are like that and it's not as if I can leave as then I will have no one. I just feel so trapped and not good enough," Damian vented, leaning his head against the chain of the swing.
"Okay Damian. First thing. Don't think you are ever not good enough. I have only spoken to you 3 times and you seem like you are nice under all the hostility. Second thing, don't be afraid to be yourself. If you actually be yourself you will find people like you who will accept you, no matter what your reputation was in the past. Just stop doing everything you hate, even if it's a little at a time. Whether its not going to a party or stopping smoking all together. Just don't give a damn about what others think, as long as you're happy," Phil told him.
"You're amazing Phil, I hope you know that. I have literally just opened up to you which is something I have never been able to do before. Thank you," Damian said genuinely. "Also, going with the whole 'don't give a damn about what people think' thing, I am going to hug you and you have no choice," Damian said, standing up and opening his arms. Phil stood up and walked into the hug, laughing at Damian and how tense he felt.
"I'm not gonna eat you, I'm a friend, stop being so stiff," Phil told him as he pulled away.
"Sorry, I'm not used to this whole actual friend thing," Damian admitted.
"Well you're already getting better," Phil told him and saw a proper smile etch onto Damian's lips. "Now come on, let's swing. You probably haven't done that since you were little,"
Damian laughed loudly, and Phil smiled. He was actually really nice, a lot like Dan but with a bad boy look going on. Very interesting too. Phil sat back on his swing and started kicking his legs, aiming to go as high as possible. He saw Damian start doing the same, a look of pure delight spreading across his face, like a young boy having his first time on the big swings.
"I bet I can go higher than you!" Damian yelled at him childishly.
"Not a chance!" Phil yelled back. He kicked off harder every time his feet swiped the floor, swooping higher and higher, feeling the excited lurch in his stomach as he came back down. He looked across as Damian who was getting just as high as him, almost overtaking him. Phil was determined not to let this happen and kicked off one more time, going as high as the swing would let him. He heard Damian laugh beside him who was at the same height as him.
"Time to jump Sherlock!" Damian yelled and jumped gracefully on the swing, landing neatly on the floor.
"You watch Sherlock?" Phil asked, still swinging.
"Of course I do!" Damian shouted back.
"Why the hell didn't you say?"
"Because I still hardly know you now jump!" Damian called again. Phil swung to its full height and let go of the swing, soaring into the air and towards the ground. He landed on his feet, but staggered and screamed, one of his legs crumpling beneath him, making him fall to the floor with a screech and a cry in pain. Damian raced over to him and helped him to sit up.
"Oh my god Phil are you okay? I'm so sorry I made you jump oh god I'm just so sorry," he blabbed, looking at Phil worriedly. Phil nodded but whimpered as he tried to move his left leg. "Can I have a look?" Damian asked and Phil nervously nodded his head. Damian gently squeezed his hands over Phil's leg, until Phil let out a small scream when he pressed his legs to his shin, which was sticking out slightly.
"Ouch," Phil said quietly, a few tears rolling down his cheek.
"I think you've broken it Phil. Oh god I'm so sorry," Damian apologised again, his face stricken with worry and panic. "You need to go to hospital. Should I call an ambulance?" Damian asked.
"Yes please," Phil whimpered, wondering how on earth he was going to explain this to everyone. Damian took out his phone and called emergency services, telling them their location and what the problem was. He ended to call and looked back over at Phil who had tears silently dripping off his chin as he tried to hold them back.
"Oh god this is all my fault," Damian said, resting his head in his hands as he knelt beside Phil.
"It's not," Phil said determinedly. "I should have jumped from a lower point like you did but I didn't stupidly. Don't blame yourself please,"
"I'm still sorry Phil, just sorry it happened," Damian told him.
"I will just get people to carry me for a few weeks, it will be fine," Phil said, earning a small chuckle from Damian.
"Phil, would it be a bad thing if I hugged you now?" Damian asked.
"Not really, I could do with one considering I have a gammy leg," Phil said and reached up and wrapped his arms around Damian, clinging to him like a baby monkey. A hug was exactly what he needed and soon the ambulance was wailing towards them.
They managed to get Phil onto a stretcher and a paramedic injected Phil with something that made him start to fall asleep and the pain subside but before he dropped off, he grabbed Damian's hand and clung on tightly, needing some way of holding onto himself, as well as the people around him.
When Phil woke up he was in a hospital bed and a tired looking Damian was sitting beside him in a small chair. He smiled when he saw phil had become conscious again.
"Hey," he said quietly.
"How long was I out for and what happened with my leg?" Phil asked.
"It only got fractured and only about an hour, the gave you a sedative painkiller so your leg won't hurt for a while yet but I think they will give you some to take with you when you leave," Damian explained. "I think you need to call your mum though, she will be worried,"
"Yeah. Oh god how am I gonna explain this to everyone?" Phil moaned, looking down at his leg that was already in a bright blue cast. Wow they had worked fast.
"We can't exactly tell Dan the truth. Did you have an excuse to meet me today?" Damian asked.
"Yeah I said I was going to my grandmas," Phil said, chewing his lip.
"You could tell him you left early and went to the park for a bit and then jumped off a swing and fractured your leg and called the ambulance yourself?" Damian suggested.
"Yeah that sounds like it will work. You would have to leave before my mum gets here though," Phil said, chewing his lip.
"That's fine, I'm just glad you're okay. I have never been so stressed in my life, I almost used up your whole pack of gum already," Damian admitted.
"Well at least it's working," Phil said but smiled.
"Right now call your mum, and then Dan, I know he will be worried if he doesn't find out, I'll go get a nurse so you can talk to her about what happened, tell her I was just a friend from school who made sure you were okay and came with you or something," he said, and smiled before walking out the door. Phil saw his phone on the beside table and scrolled through the missed calls from his mum and called her back.
It was very sticky explaining to her what happened but a few minutes later she said she was on her way to the hospital and would be there in about half an hour. Damian walked back in with a nurse a few minutes later and stood beside Phil, who smiled up at him, while the nurse sat in the chair.
"So Phil so I need to explain to you about what's going to happen next. Is a family member coming at any point soon?" She asked, smiling a toothy smile at him, her blonde hair scraping back her face it was so tight, making her smile appear even bigger.
"Yeah my mum will be here in about half an hour," Phil told her.
"Good. We will sort you out with some crutches before you go and we already have you in our files from when you broke your arm when you were little," she simpered. "Anyway you're boyfriend has done an excellent job, you two are really sweet together," she said, looking over at Damian behind Phil.
"Oh no he's not my boyfriend, he's just a friend. That's all," Phil told her, and the nurse smiled at him knowingly.
"Sorry sweetie of course, I just thought with the whole holding hand thing you were together," she chuckled.
"Holding had thing?" Phil asked Damian, who shuffled a little.
"In the ambulance after they injected you you grabbed my hand and held it for the whole ride," he said, blushing.
"Oh, sorry," Phil said awkwardly.
"It's fine," Damian said, and went a darker red.
"Anyway sweetie's as your mum will be here soon Philip I will go and get the forms you will need to sign but other than that you two are free to chat and stuff," she said, slyly winking at Phil before she left.
"Well that wasn't awkward at all," Phil said.
"The whole boyfriend thing made is so much worse, especially because of the whole Dan thing," Damian said.
"Dan actually thinks you're trying to do what you did before and screw him over again with me," Phil said thoughtfully, then realised what he had said and regretted it instantly.
"I can't blame him really," Damian said sadly. "And the worst part, is that it was kinda true. When I first met you- I still hate the way I acted and am still sorry- I was trying to wind Dan up, and I went too far of course, almost like last time. And I hate myself for thinking like that. You don't understand how thankful I am that you gave me a chance and you let in into your life more and are helping me stop being such a dick. I am glad I can call you a friend and I really hope you forgive me for thinking and almost acting like that," Damian said.
"It's okay Damian, you weren't really being yourself so I can't exactly blame you now can I?" Phil said, smiling at Damian who let out a small laugh.
"I'd better go, especially if your mum is coming," Damian said and started walking towards the door. "I'll text you and see you around right?" He asked, turning at the door.
"Of course you will," Phil said happily. "Oh and Dame?"
"Thanks for not trying to seduce me," Phil called after him, grinning.
"Welcome," Damian said lightly, and Phil thought he saw a different kind of smile etched onto Damian's face as he left the room.
Okay who wants a Damian even if he might not be trustworthy? *raises hand* oh come on we all know he is super hot and stuff what's not to want?
But so we know if he is really nice or not? Dun dun duuun maybe find out next time (I don't really know where I am going with this chapter wise so just be ready okay?)
Stay floaty my fairy lights!
Anni out!
*sleeps away into the distance*

Two of a kind (phan and kickthestickz)
FanfictionPhil doesn't have a best friend in his life. That is, until Dan turns up at his school. They become close and Phil finds out that Dan has a twin brother, but hates to talk about him. It's not until Phil comes over to Dan's house that he finds out wh...