My characters.

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Name: Corey
Age: 16
Gender: male
School: beacon(before its fall)
Weapon: a sword that can turn into a rifles And a scythe.
Semblance: electrokinisis
Human or faunas: human
Faunas type: none
Strengths: strong, fast, experienced.
Weaknesses: reclusive, not very trusting, regrets a lot of his past.
Family: zero(sister)
Friends: RWBY,JNPR and the rest if the gang.
Student or teacher: student(formerly)
Likes: peace, protecting his friend, weapons.
Dislikes: war, Grimm.
Appearance: longish brown messy hair, purple eyes, scar on his left eye, long tattered black trench coat with grey straps, grey skull mask.
Personality: kind, reclusive,
Other: most people think he's dead.

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